Traslation of the Law
We bring you machine translations of selected Czech Republic’s laws. In the CR, laws are officially published in the Czech language only. For foreigners this often constitutes an insurmountable obstacle in attempting to understand the Czech legal environment.
While translations of some of the essential laws are available on the Czech market, these are usually published in book form and always in English only. These translations are usually very good, a fact also reflected in their price. Often, however, they become outdated – some laws (especially those dealing with income tax) are changed very frequently.
This brings us to another translating drawback. One must start by creating the complete text of the law, i.e. to incorporate into it all the published amendments and supplements, which is seldom an easy task.
That is why we bring you a selection of the most important laws, regulations and international treaties in their complete text and in translations to several languages. We are also ready to flexibly extend this selection. If a law, regulation or international treaty that you are looking for is missing, let us know. In most cases wee can provide the required text by return. Our quality source texts come from the server
Why machine translation? We are aware that machine translations are the source of numerous inaccuracies. We should not, however, overlook their significant advantages:
- We publish a large quantity of laws. We have selected the essential laws regulating the Czech legal environment, as well as a number of international treaties.
- We publish updated laws. Unfortunately, laws are changed frequently in the CR. Machine translations make it possible to react flexibly to these changes.
- We publish laws multilingually. Machine translations enable us to bring you laws translated not just into the popular English, but also to other languages.
- Machine translation continually improves. Commercial companies and universities work on new algorithms and their results are improving.
- Thanks to machine translations we can provide this website free of charge.
PLEASE NOTE: Use the translated texts of the laws for basic information only. Should you wish to engage in legal cases, use either quality translations or professional legal services (law offices, tax consultants, etc.).
If you find a translation incomprehensible, contact us – we will try to provide a better translation.