Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on Administrative Fees
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(effective from 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2014)
634/2004 Sb .
of 26 November 2004
Administrative Fees
as amended by Act No. 217/2005 Coll . , Act No. 228/2005 Coll . , Act No. 357/2005 Coll . , Act No. 361/2005 Coll . , Act No. 444/2005 Coll . , Act No. 545/2005 Coll . , Act No. 553/2005 Coll.
Law No. 48/2006 Coll . , Act No. 56/2006 Coll . , Act No. 57/2006 Coll . , Act No. 81/2006 Coll . , Act No. 109/2006 Coll . , Act No. 112 / 2006 Coll . , Act No. 130/2006 Coll . , Act No. 136/2006 Coll.
Act No. 138/2006 Coll . , Act No. 161/2006 Coll . , Act No. 179/2006 Coll . , Act No. 186/2006 Coll . , Act No. 215/2006 Coll . , Act No. 226 / 2006 Coll . , Act No. 227/2006 Coll . , Act No. 235/2006 Coll.
Act No. 312/2006 Coll . , Act No. 575/2006 Coll . , Act No. 106/2007 Coll . , Act No. 261/2007 Coll . , Act No. 269/2007 Coll . , Act No. 379 / 2007 Coll . , Act No. 374/2007 Coll . , Act No. 38/2008 Coll.
Act No. 130/2008 Coll . , Act No. 140/2008 Coll . , Act No. 182/2008 Coll . , Act No. 189/2008 Coll . , Act No. 230/2008 Coll . , Act No. 239 / 2008 Coll . , Act No. 254/2008 Coll . , Act No. 296/2008 Coll.
Act No. 297/2008 Coll . , Act No. 301/2008 Coll . , Act No. 309/2008 Coll . , Act No. 312/2008 Coll . , Act No. 382/2008 Coll . , Act No. 9 / 2009 Coll . , Act No. 141/2009 Coll.
Act No. 197/2009 Coll . , Act No. 206/2009 Coll . , Act No. 227/2009 Coll . , Act No. 281/2009 Coll . , Act No. 291/2009 Coll . , Act No. 301 / 2009 Coll . , Act No. 346/2009 Coll.
Act No. 420/2009 Coll . , Act No. 132/2010 Coll . , Act No. 148/2010 Coll . , Act No. 153/2010 Coll . , Act No. 160/2010 Coll . , Act No. 343 / 2010 Coll . , Act No. 427/2010 Coll.
Act No. 30/2011 Coll . , Act No. 105/2011 Coll . , Act No. 133/2011 Coll . , Act No. 134/2011 Coll . , Act No. 152/2011 Coll . , Act No. 188 / 2011 Coll . , Act No. 245/2011 Coll .
Act No. 249/2011 Coll . , Act No. 255/2011 Coll . , Act No. 262/2011 Coll . , Act No. 300/2011 Coll . , Act No. 308/2011 Coll . , Act No. 329 / 2011 Coll . , Act No. 344/2011 Coll.
Act No. 349/2011 Coll . , Act No. 350/2011 Coll . , Act No. 357/2011 Coll . , Act No. 367/2011 Coll . , Act No. 375/2011 Coll . and Act No. 428/2011 Coll . , Act No. 457/2011 Coll.
Act No. 458/2011 Coll . , Act No. 472/2011 Coll . , Act No. 19/2012 Coll . , Act No. 37/2012 Coll . , Act No. 53/2012 Coll . , Act No. 119 / 2012 Coll . , Act No. 169/2012 Coll.
Act No. 172/2012 Coll . , Act No. 202/2012 Coll . , Act No. 221/2012 Coll . , Act No. 225/2012 Coll . , Act No. 274/2012 Coll . , Act No. 350 / 2012 Coll . , Act No. 359/2012 Coll.
Act No. 399/2012 Coll . , Act No. 407/2012 Coll . , Act No. 428/2012 Coll . , Act No. 496/2012 Coll . , Act No. 502/2012 Coll . , Act No. 50 / 2013 Coll . , Act No. 69/2013 Coll.
Act No. 102/2013 Coll., Act No. 185/2013 Coll., Act No. 186/2013 Coll., Act No. 232/2013 Coll., Act No. 241/2013 Coll., Act No. 257 / 2013 Coll., Act No. 273/2013 Coll.
Act No. 279/2013 Coll., Act No. 281/2013 Coll., Act No. 306/2013 Coll., Act No. 313/2013 Coll. and Law No 344/2013 Sb.
Parliament passed the Act of the Czech Republic:
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Subject Matter
This Act provides for administrative fees (the ” Fees” ) and execution of administration , in particular their assessment and collection , carried out by the executive power and bodies of local governments and bodies of legal entities , when exercising powers in state administration (the ” Administration Authority “).
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The course fee
( 1) The subject of fees is an administrative procedure under special legislation and other activities related administrative authority with the exercise of State authority ( “the act ” ) . Transactions subject to charges , as defined in the individual items of the Schedule of Fees annexed to this Act (hereinafter referred to as ” tariff ” ) . Tariff in each item also includes any fee exemption , the operations are not subject to the fee authorized by an administrative authority in determining the amount of the fee , or notes , which provide details on the different tasks.
( 2) Acts initiated an administrative office ex officio , with the exception of the local investigation , and operations related to the misdeed and criminal proceedings are not subject to the fee , unless otherwise tariff .
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(1 ) The taxpayer is a natural or legal person who made the request or a different proposal to complete the task with the administrative authority or the person in whose interest the act or thing was done .
( 2 ) If the obligation to pay a fee for the same act more taxpayers will pay him jointly and severally , unless otherwise tariff .
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Fee rates are set out in the tariff fixed amount or a percentage of the fee , the basis is expressed in money ( hereinafter referred to as ” percentage fee” ) . The base percentage charge is rounded up dozens of Czech crowns . The percentage fee is calculated by multiplying the base fee and the fee rate .
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The assessment and collection of the fee , payment is due
and the consequences of non-payment
(1 ) Charges levied , collected and enforced by the administrative body competent to perform any act , unless otherwise tariff .
( 2 ) The fees provided for in the tariff fixed amount is payable either during or after the acceptance of the submission , but always prior to the operation , according to its definition in the various tariff headings , unless otherwise tariff . If the taxpayer fails to pay the fee within this period , the administrative authority shall require him to do so within 15 days from the day following the notification to pay the fee , which is a decision by a special regulation governing the administration of taxes . In the invitation to pay a fee while the administrative office notifies the taxpayer does not pay the fee. Therefore, the challenge for the payment of the fee may be appealed within 15 days from the day following its delivery.
( 3 ) Percentage fees and other charges , on which so provides tariff, levied administrative office payment order and are payable within 15 days from the day following the receipt of payment. Similarly, the administrative authority shall assess the arrears fee.
(4 ) If the taxpayer fails to pay the fee within the time limits specified in paragraphs 2 and 3, the Management Authority initiated proceedings stopped or fails to act , unless otherwise tariff . If the taxpayer pays the fee for the periods referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall proceed in administrative office management as if the fee is not paid on time , if you have already decided to terminate the proceedings . However, if the fee is not paid by the end of the revocation period running against this decision , the decision shall cease to be valid and administrative authority shall indicate this fact in the form of an official record in the file .
( 5) The administrative authority shall issue the result of the action is always to pay a fee , unless otherwise tariff . The deadlines for issuing decisions stipulated by special legislation is not running at the time from the date of delivery of the notice or demand for payment to the payment of the fee until demonstrable fee.
(6 ) Penalties, interest on late payments or interest for the period of deferment of payment of the fee prescribed by special legislation governing the administration of taxes , shall not apply .
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payment of fee
(1 ) Fees shall be paid in the Czech currency , unless the law provides otherwise (paragraphs 2 , 3 and 5).
( 2 ) Czech embassies percentage fees levied in the foreign currency of denomination of the base fee. Was related to the subject of the acts performed by Czech embassies , to cash a taxpayer ‘s funds , the Czech embassy in themselves , may choose a percentage fee deduction from these funds.
(3) Fees fixed amount Czech embassies can also choose
- a) the currency of the country in which they reside, or
b ) the currency of another country , if the Czech National Bank announced an exchange rate of this currency .
(4 ) For the purposes of payment of the fee referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall Czech embassy conversion into foreign currency and vice versa according to the exchange rates announced by the Czech National Bank as of the last day of the calendar month preceding the payment deadlines set fee or a fixed amount of the assessed payment order , after the following calendar month. To convert currencies , the exchange rate market , the Czech National Bank does not declare , the Czech embassy course of the U.S. dollar against the local currency announced by the central bank of the State in which the Czech embassy headquarters , also on the last day of the previous calendar month , also during the following calendar month .
(5 ) Fees paid to the Czech border crossings may also collect administrative offices in foreign currency by domestic banks buying up .
(6 ) Conversion Czech currency in the foreign currency and vice versa conduct administrative office of the Czech border crossing by an exchange rate announced by the Czech National Bank on Friday of the week preceding the due date of the fee provided for a fixed amount, or the due date of payment of the assessed tax assessment, and after the following week . Overpayment of tax ( § 7 paragraph 2), which was paid in foreign currency , the Administrative Office to return in Czech currency.
(7 ) Charges converted from the Czech currency to foreign currency and vice versa, rounded to the nearest currency unit up, unless otherwise tariff .
(8 ) Tax assessment and collection of administrative authorities based in the Czech Republic, with the exception of fees levied and collected by the authorities of local governments , taxes are levied and collected at the Czech border crossings and fees levied and collected by the Czech National Bank , you can pay kolkovými mark if fee does not exceed CZK 5,000 . In other cases , with the exception of fees levied and collected by Czech embassies and authorities of local governments , the fees are paid into a special account of the state budget. Special state budget account set up at the Czech National Bank, the competent administrative authority with the approval of the Ministry of Finance. For Czech embassies charges are paid into the accounts of these offices abroad and payment of fees to the authorities of local governments to determine these authorities under a special law on the administration of taxes.
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Refund of fees
( 1) The Administrative Office shall refund the fee in full at the request of the person who paid the fee,
- a) if it is not carried out the required tasks defined in the individual tariff items , and unless the tax which is an administrative office accepted the application, design, application , complaint, objection , announcement or notice
b ) if the fee is not paid , not provided for in the Tariff
c ) if the fee is not paid by a person who is not the taxpayer under this Act .
( 2 ) The administrative office shall , at the request of the taxpayer the amount paid by the taxpayer to charge more than the rate stipulated in Tariff ( hereinafter referred to as ” overpaid fees”).
( 3 ) The decision on the refund and the decision to recover an overpayment of tax under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not be subject to appeal .
(4 ) If the taxpayer paid a fee beyond the date when the decision of an administrative authority to terminate the proceedings under § 5, paragraph 4 , it returns the administrative office to request the taxpayer more than 50 % of the fee charged , but only if it exceeds the amount of the fee CZK 100 .
( 5) The refund of the fee , or part of the overpayment decision to charge a fee or part of the overpayment of tax returns administrative office to which the fee has been paid. The fee , which was paid revenue stamps, return the administrative office of the special account of the state budget. Unless the administrative office of the special account established by the state budget , tax returns , paid revenue stamps, on the basis of its decision , the Tax Office having territorial jurisdiction over the official seat of the administrative authority that the refund decision.
(6 ) Paragraphs 1 to 5 shall not apply for the return fee , if tariff provides otherwise .
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Fee exemption
(1 ) Fees are waived
- a) state bodies and state funds
b ) diplomatic representations of foreign countries and the delegation of diplomatic agents , consuls personnel and other persons , if they are nationals of foreign countries and enjoyed if the privileges and immunities under international law , where reciprocity and unless the acts performed in private interest or for the personal benefit of individuals ,
c ) municipal governments and their agencies , if required implementation tasks related to the state authorities, which are responsible ,
d ) legal persons , if required perform tasks related to the state authorities, which are responsible ,
e ) natural or legal persons , if provided for by international agreements and arrangements to which the Czech Republic is bound.
( 2 ) Fees are exempt operations
- a) related to the implementation of specific legislation on social security, a pension scheme , a supplement to the pension and special contribution to the retirement of public health insurance, the state social support on health insurance , the premiums for medical insurance , employment , the social security insurance and contribution to the state employment policy , the socio- legal protection of children on social services , the benefits for people with disabilities , assistance in material need , in matters of military conscription of citizens and civil service matters , with the exception of the fee issuance or replacement license of the person with disabilities and with the exception of the fee for receipt of application for accreditation of a training program under the legislation on social services ,
b ) undertaken as a result of changes or corrections municipality’s name, city, county , street, other public spaces, personal identification number and the acts performed due to the decision of its own motion,
c ) the authorities of the unitary authority , by the Authority of the same territorial government
d ) for the purposes of inheritance, performed by a notary public as a judicial commissioner ,
e ) for the purposes of execution proceedings conducted by judicial enforcement , with the exception of item 1, paragraph 1, letter l )
f ) for the use of the franchise ,
g ) relating to the provision of temporary protection to foreigners
h ) if provided for by international agreements and arrangements to which the Czech Republic is bound,
- i) carried out due to a natural disaster in the Czech Republic , a natural disaster , for the purposes of this Act, not caused by fire and explosion, lightning , storm and wind speed over 75 km / h , flood, flood, hailstorm , landslide , landslide and soil rock collapse if they occurred in the context of an industrial or construction operation, sliding or collapse avalanches and earthquakes reaching at least the fourth international Richter scale indicating the macroseismic effects of earthquakes .
( 3 ) The result of the act exempted pursuant to paragraph 2 . a) to i) indicate the administrative office purpose for which it was made .
(4 ) Fees are waived for other people or tasks , and to the extent specified in the tariff.
(5 ) To the extent specified in the tariff administrative authority authorizes increase or reduce the fee or waive its collection
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repealed by Law No. 281/2009 Coll .
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Supervision of financial institutions to revenue authorities
state budget
(1 ) The tax authorities checked for administrative offices , whether fees that government revenue is timely and of adequate hereto assessment, collection , payment, or returned. The local jurisdiction tax authorities are governed by the administrative seat of the office with which checks are carried out .
( 2 ) If the office of financial malpractice , notifies the minutes of the review to the office of the shortcomings of the obligation to recover the arrears of fees and set a deadline for remedy .
( 3 ) If the right to recover arrears of fee -barred ordered the tax office administrative authority , in accordance with the decision of the Administrative Code , instead of the taxpayer to pay the arrears to the state budget, the budgetary resources of the administrative authority.
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transitional provisions
If the proceedings in the matter of the course fee commenced before the effective date of this Act , charge shall be levied according to the existing legislation , even in cases where the charge becomes payable after the effective date of this Act.
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enabling provisions
After the declaration of a state of emergency or state of war can the government regulation of the duration of a state of emergency or state of war, to the extent necessary to provide emergency or war state budget 1 )
- a) an adjustment items and the fee rates set out in Tariff
b ) exempt from charges of armed forces, armed security forces , fire brigades and emergency services .
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Repealing provisions
Are repealed:
1) Act No. 368/1992 Coll . , On administrative fees, as amended.
2 ) Decree No. 81/1995 Coll. Exemption from administrative fees .
3 ) Decree No. 270/1998 Coll . , The exemption from the administrative fee.
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(1) This Act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after publication, except as provided in paragraph 2
(2) Items 117A and 144A Tariff become effective on the abolition of controls at national borders, set for the Czech Republic in the Council of the European Union on the entry into force of the Convention, signed on 19 June 1990 in Schengen, between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, implementing the Agreement, signed on 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at common borders.
(3) On the abolition of controls at national borders, set for the Czech Republic in the Council of the European Union on the entry into force of the Convention, signed on 19 June 1990 in Schengen, between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, implementing the Agreement, signed on 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at common borders expire items 117 and 144 of the Tariff.
Zaorálek v. r
Klaus v. r
Gross v. r
Note Soft Books: The editors of the items were originally placed by the name in the register.
Item 1 Tax or Customs Clearance
1) Acceptance of an application or proposal
a) a vote of the ineffectiveness of delivery or the return period in the previous state | CZK | 300 |
b) extending the deadline for filing tax returns, reports and billing | CZK | 300 |
c) the remission of tax | CZK | 1000 |
d) authorizing the deferment of tax, advance tax or duty or for permission to pay them in installments | CZK | 400 |
e) the delegation of territorial jurisdiction to another tax | CZK | 300 |
f) a refund of import duties or remission of customs arrears | CZK | 300 |
g) authorizing the tax relief or cle | CZK | 1000 |
h) to issue a special permit in the adoption and use of selected products exempt from excise tax or a permit to operate a tax warehouse or permit to receive selected products under excise duty suspension 2) | CZK | 1000 |
i) a permit to reduce collateral excise duty or waive its provision under the law regulating the excise duty reduction or reimbursement or provision under the law regulating excise duty | CZK | 1000 |
j) for a permit to sell selected products at prices exclusive of excise taxes 2) | CZK | 2000 |
k) to change the permission to sell selected products at prices without excise taxes 2) | CZK | 200 |
l) information for the purposes of execution proceedings conducted by judicial enforcement | CZK | 2000 |
m) for a permit to represent the tax representative of a tax representative for sending selected products 2a) | CZK | 1000 |
n) for a permit to purchase liquefied petroleum gases in free tax circulation 2a) | CZK | 1000 |
o) to issue permits for marking and coloring of selected mineral oils 2a) | CZK | 1000 |
p) for a permit to Marking certain other mineral oils 2a) | CZK | 1000 |
q) to amend permits issued under subparagraph h) m) n) o) p) | CZK | 200 |
r) to issue binding decisions on the assessment by the Tax Code | CZK | 10 000 |
2) Issue of
a) the indebtedness or state personal tax account | CZK | 100 |
b) the tax domicile | CZK | 100 |
Not subject to charge
Adoption applications referred to in paragraph 1, points c) and g) of this item, if desired relief is three times or less than three times the set rate fee.
1) These items act administrative offices, which lead management under a special legal regulation governing the administration of taxes, pursuant to Act No. 13/1993 Coll., The Customs Act, as amended by Act No. 35/1993 Coll., Act No. 113/1997 Sb., Act No. 63/2000 Coll., Act No. 256/2000 Coll., Act No. 265/2001 Coll., Act No. 1/2002 Coll. and Act No. 309/2002 Coll., or pursuant to Act No. 353/2003 Coll., the Excise Tax Act, as amended by Act No. 479/2003 Coll. Charges apply at that administrative authority having jurisdiction on an application or proposal for a decision. Taxes under this item for the purposes of this Act, the revenues of the state budget, the National Fund, state funds or local government budgets, in the sense of a special regulation governing the administration of taxes.
2) The fees referred to in point 1 of this item shall be levied for any tax to which the claim relates to a tax subject, and for each tax entity apply where a single request more taxpayers. The fee is collected only once, in the case of income from joint subject to taxation.
3) If one request required to explore more operations, as reported under various letters of the item, a fee is levied equal to the sum of the rates of charges.
Item 2 Access to the registry office and business. or letec.rejstříku to the disclosure from the Criminal Records
a) Access to the registry book or collection of documents | CZK | 20 |
matrix for each event | ||
b) Access to the professional or the Aircraft Register | CZK | 20 |
any entity in which writing is seen | ||
c) Access to the disclosure from the Criminal Records | CZK | 20 |
d) Notification of change of the place of residence | CZK | 50 |
a person specified on a single logon ticket |
1) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt church, if it is a register kept by the churches to 31 prosince, 1949.
2) The fee referred to in subparagraph d) are exempt persons under 15 years of age.
Not subject to charge
Insights into the archival documents, which are stored in the register state archives and the archives of cities.
Item 3-5 counterpart respectively. Copy and verification, the second and more
a) Issue of a duplicate, copy, photocopy or extracts from official files, private documents in the official custody of the registers, registers, books, records, registers, documents or any other written or pictorial material, or communication a negative finding | CZK | 50 | ||
for each i started page | ||||
CZK | 40 | |||
the technical data carrier | ||||
CZK | 15 | |||
for the first page and | ||||
CZK | 5 | |||
for each additional page or part thereof | ||||
b) Issue a copy of the birth, marriage or death certificate or proof of registered partnership 2b), or the birth certificate issue | CZK | 100 | ||
c) Issue a copy of a document made available by the former State Security or part 3) | CZK | 5 | ||
for each i started page | ||||
d) Issue of certified output of public administration information system | CZK | 100 | ||
first page | ||||
CZK | 50 | |||
for each i started page | ||||
e) Submission of application for mediation of contact 2c) for each contact people | CZK | 500 | ||
f) Acceptance of an application for a certificate entrepreneurs in the event that classified information with him 2d) | ||||
– Does not arise, or he is not provided, but they have access to employees entrepreneur or a person acting on behalf of or for the facility, in connection with the performance of work or other activities for the facility under contract |
CZK | 5000 | ||
– Arises or is provided | CZK | 10 000 | ||
1) Fees for extracts from the parish churches are exempt, if the register kept by the churches to 31 prosince, 1949.
2) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt foundations and endowment funds, 4), associations and unions 5) a charitable company 6), based on the provision of community activities in the areas of environmental protection, youth protection, animal welfare , social services, social care and assistance in material poverty, health, protection of human life and health, culture, sport and physical education, science and research, education and training, fire protection and preservation of monuments, whether related to the operation, with the activities for which bodies have been established. For the purpose of keeping a list of conservation is the fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item exempted Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape.
3) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt issue the documents necessary to implement the Act No. 255/1946 Coll., On Czechoslovak army abroad and some other participants in the national liberation struggle, as amended by Act No. 101/1964 Sb ., the implementation of Act No. 170/2002 Coll., war veterans, and the implementation of Act No. 262/2011 Coll., the participants in the resistance and struggle against communism.
4) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt registered churches and religious societies, legal entities established or founded as part of the registered churches and religious societies, legal entities established or established to support the activities of registered churches and religious societies to spiritual, pastoral, charitable, medical, educational or administrative purposes and religious nuts, if relevant act with the implementation of Act No. 428/2012 Coll., the property settlement with churches and religious societies and amending certain laws (property settlement with churches and religious organizations) .
Power of attorney
1) The administrative authority may charge referred to in subparagraph a) of this item to the party on his request to reduce or waive its collection, for reasons worthy of special attention.
2) The administrative authority may reduce the fee for issuing certified output of public administration information system by up to 90% of the amount referred to in subparagraph d) of this item.
Not subject to charge
1) The first edition counterpart, copy, photocopy or statement referred to in subparagraph a) of this item, the tax file maintained by a special regulation governing the administration of taxes and fees, unless the deed or record the technical data carrier, which the taxpayer – the taxpayer or by the administrative office once received from the administrative office.
2) release of the first birth, death or marriage certificate, a first proof of a registered partnership, or release of these registry documents after making an additional entry of the matrix actually 6a) to amend the registration in the Registry Book has been executed.
3) Issue of the first statement referred to in subparagraph a) of this item from the public part of the Register of registered churches and religious societies, from the Register of associations of churches and religious communities and religious Register of legal persons, 7).
4) Identification code bonitované soil organic entity (BPEJ) for a certain area of the acreage.
5) Adoption of a new application for a certificate entrepreneur has to have access to classified business information as well as immediately after the expiry of the existing certificate entrepreneurs, if the request is made before the expiry of the existing certificate entrepreneurs within the time limits under other legislation 2d).
1) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is selected for each machine which is an extract from the register of vehicles involved.
2) every new site for the purposes of this Act, a published page of A4 and smaller.
Item 4
a) A certified copy, copy, photocopy or extracts from official files, private documents in the official custody of the registers, registers, books, records, registers, documents or any other written or pictorial material | CZK | 30 |
for each i started page | ||
b) Implementation of authorized conversion of documents into electronic form for each page or part thereof converted instrument | CZK | 30 |
c) Implementation of an authorized document conversion to paper form for each page or part thereof converted instrument | CZK | 30 |
d) Re-issue of access data to the data box | CZK | 200 |
1) The fee under this item are exempted verification documents necessary to implement the Act No. 255/1946 Coll., On Czechoslovak army abroad and some other participants in the national liberation struggle, as amended by Act No. 101/1964 Coll., The implementation of Act No. 170/2002 Coll., war veterans, and the implementation of Act No. 262/2011 Coll., the participants in the resistance and struggle against communism.
2) The fee under this item are exempt foundations and endowment funds 4) associations and trade unions 5) a charitable company 6), based on the provision of community activities in the areas of environmental protection, youth protection, animal welfare, social services, Social care and assistance in material poverty, health, protection of human life and health, culture, sport and physical education, science and research, education and training, fire protection and preservation of monuments, whether related to the operation, with activities for which these bodies have been established .
3) The fee under this item are exempt registered churches and religious associations or legal persons established or founded as part of the registered churches and religious societies, legal entities established or established to support the activities of registered churches and religious societies to spiritual, pastoral, charitable, medical , educational or administrative purposes and religious nut, if the act is related to the implementation of Act No. 428/2012 Coll., the property settlement with churches and religious societies and amending certain laws (property settlement with churches and religious organizations).
Not subject to charge
Verification of conformity captured documents (a copy, copy, photocopy or extract) from the tax file maintained by a special regulation governing the administration of taxes and fees, unless the charter of the taxpayer – the taxpayer has submitted or once received from the administrative office.
Item 5
a) Verification of the signature or stamp on the document or its counterpart | CZK | 30 |
for any signature or stamp | ||
b) Authentication (Apostille) signature and stamp on the document for the purpose of its use abroad | CZK | 100 |
1) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt verify the signature on the documents necessary to implement the Act No. 255/1946 Coll., On Czechoslovak army abroad and some other participants in the national liberation struggle, as amended by Act No. 101 / 1964 Sb., the implementation of Act No. 170/2002 Coll., war veterans, and the implementation of Act No. 262/2011 Coll., the participants in the resistance and struggle against communism.
2) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt foundations and endowment funds, 4), associations and unions 5) a charitable company 6), based on the provision of community activities in the areas of environmental protection, youth protection, animal welfare , social services, social care and assistance in material poverty, health, protection of human life and health, culture, sport and physical education, science and research, education and training, fire protection and preservation of monuments, whether related to the operation, with the activities for which bodies have been established.
3) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt citizens are particularly severe disabilities, who are holders of ZTP or ZTP / P
Item 6 Minutes of agricultural entrepreneurs to register
a) Minutes of agricultural entrepreneurs to register 8) | CZK | 1000 |
b) Change the registration of agricultural entrepreneurs in the records of 8) | CZK | 500 |
c) Change an entry in the records of the identification data of the agricultural entrepreneur 8) | CZK | 100 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt entry of the person engaged in agricultural production by Act No. 105/1990 Coll., The Private Business Activities, as amended by Act No. 219/1991 Coll. and Act No. 455/1991 Coll., unless that person registers in the register of agricultural entrepreneurs within the period and in the manner stipulated by a special legal regulation 8).
Not subject to charge
The change referred to in point c) of this item, which builds on changes already made in the Commercial Register or other register.
Item 7 Application for Release
a) or renewal of certificates for the medical profession without professional supervision under special legislation on eligibility to pursue professions 9 | CZK | 100 |
b) a decision on the eligibility or recognition of professional qualifications for the medical profession under special legislation the competence to perform medical profession 9) | CZK | 2000 |
c) a decision in the accreditation process by specific legislation on eligibility to exercise professions 9) | CZK | 1000 |
d) the decision or certificate other than as referred to in subparagraphs a) to c) in accordance with special regulations on eligibility to pursue professions 9) | CZK | 500 |
Item 8 Citizenship
a) Issue of identity card with machine readable data and with electronic chip | CZK | 500 |
b) Issue of ID without a machine-readable data with the duration of one month | CZK | 100 |
c) Issue of ID without a machine-readable data with a validity period of three months | CZK | 100 |
d) Issuance of ID citizen under 15 years | CZK | 50 |
e) Issuance of ID citizen 15 years older, who has permanent residence in the Czech Republic | CZK | 100 |
f ) Issue of identity card with machine readable data card for damaged , destroyed , lost, stolen or card containing undue listings | CZK | 100 |
g ) Unlocking an electronic identity card identification | CZK | 100 |
h ) issue a certificate of citizenship of the Czech Republic | CZK | 100 |
i) Issue a certificate of nationality | CZK | 100 |
j ) Citizenship of the Czech Republic, adult natural person | CZK | 2000 |
k) Citizenship of the Czech Republic A minor | CZK | 500 |
l ) Citizenship of the Czech Republic refugee | CZK | 500 |
m ) the declaration of acquisition of Czech citizenship under § 31 , 32, 35 and 36 of the Law on Citizenship of the Czech Republic | CZK | 500 |
Not subject to charge
1) Issue of identity card replacement for an identification card, in which the administrative office said the incorrect spelling or license issued to a manufacturing defect .
2) Issue a certificate or certificate of citizenship for purposes of the first identity card .
Power of attorney
The administrative authority may, for reasons worthy of special consideration to reduce the fee referred to in point j ) of this item to the amount of CZK 500 , the fee referred to in subparagraph a ) of this item to the amount of CZK 100 and the fee referred to in subparagraph l ) of this item to the amount of 100 CZK .
The administrative fee referred to in subparagraph a) is selected , whatever the age of the citizen and the reason for issuing an identity card .
Item 9 Detection of extra benefits for seriously disabled people
a) the issue of a person with disabilities, including the issuance of a new license due to change of information contained on the card | CZK | 30 |
b ) Acceptance of an application for a permit to a foreigner | CZK | 500 |
c ) The request for extension of work permit foreigners | CZK | 250 |
d ) Issue of a permit to broker employment for foreigners in the Czech Republic | CZK | 10 000 |
e ) Issue of a permit to broker employment abroad | CZK | 10 000 |
f ) Issue of permit to broker employment in the Czech Republic | CZK | 5000 |
g ) the issue of a person with disabilities replacement for the card is damaged , destroyed , lost or stolen , unless a special legal regulation | CZK | 200 |
For the purposes of the acts referred to in subparagraphs b ) to d ) of this item to a foreigner means persons who perform work in the Czech Republic is issued a work permit. If it was an extract from the Criminal Records issued public administration contact point 26) , collect the administrative fee referred to in point a ) of this Item focal point of public administration. Management fee income is his .
Item 10 criminal records , certificates of domestic law
a) Application for an extract from the Criminal Records | CZK | 100 |
b ) certification of the domestic law | CZK | 2000 |
c ) the identification and drafting of deeds to identify 9a ) | CZK | 200 |
d ) Application for recognition of the validity or issuance of a certificate of recognition of equivalence of elementary, secondary and higher education received in a foreign school | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Application for the registration of trustees | CZK | 5000 |
f ) Application for renewal of authorization under the law on insolvency administrators | CZK | 5000 |
g ) An entry in the list of arbitrators 9b ) | CZK | 5000 |
h ) Acceptance of an application for registration in the list of mediators | CZK | 5000 |
In receipt of an extract from the Criminal Records at the Czech embassy , charged for Czech embassy under item 162 of this tariff. If it was an extract from the Criminal Records vydán public administration contact point 26) , collect the administrative fee referred to in point a ) of this Item focal point of public administration. Management fee income is his .
Item 11 Change of name and surname
Issue of permission changes
a) surname defamatory, eccentric , funny , corrupted , foreign language or previous surname | CZK | 100 |
b ) the name or surname in other cases | CZK | 1000 |
1 ) The fee under this item is exempt change of surname , which occurs divorced spouse’s declaration that it accepts regained its former name or maiden name , or that abandons the use of the common surname in addition to the surname of the former , if those are notified within one month after the entry of a judgment of divorce .
2 ) The fee under this item is free to change or repair the names of adopted children , or a change that is necessary as a result of incorrect or incomplete entries in the matrix.
3 ) The fee under this item is exempt change of name and surname of the person in the event of a change of sex .
4 ) The fee under this item is exempt change the name or names and surname of a natural person who is a citizen of the Czech Republic and at the same time a citizen of another Member State of the European Union , to the form that enables it to use the law and tradition of the second Member State.
1 ) To change the name of spouses , parents, or parents and their minor children in common surname is collected only one fee .
2 ) To change the name more minor children of the same parents is collected only one fee .
3 ) In accordance with paragraph a) of this item will be a charge for permission to change the surname of the child entrusted in foster care to name a guardian or foster parent , the common name or guardians or trustees agreed to name their own children as guardians or foster parents are grandparents or siblings, parents minors .
4 ) is the former surname for the purposes of this Act only immediately preceding the last name or maiden name .
Item 12 Marriage
a) Marriage between the spouses or to enter into registered partnerships , unless they have permanent residence in the Czech Republic | CZK | 3000 |
b ) The conclusion of a marriage between the spouses or enter into registered partnerships , only one of which has a permanent residence in the Czech Republic | CZK | 2000 |
c ) Issue of permission to marry outside the specified time or outside officially designated room | CZK | 1000 |
d ) granting authorization to make a declaration of entry into a registered partnership 2b ) before other than the appropriate registry office | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Issue a certificate of legal capacity to enter into marriage or certificate of legal capacity to enter into civil partnerships abroad or with a stranger | CZK | 500 |
1) The fee referred to in points a) to d ) of this item is collected only from one of the bride and groom or just one person from entering into a registered partnership.
2) The fee referred to in points c ) and d ) of this item is collected only once, if authorized to enter into marriage outside the officially designated room and also outside the specified time , or if authorized by the declaration on entry into civil partnership before other than the appropriate registry office .
Fee exemption
The fee referred to in points c ) and d ) of this item are exempt persons seriously handicapped.
Item 13 hunting license
a) Issue a hunting license , valid for a maximum | ||
– 1 day | CZK | 30 |
– 5 days | CZK | 50 |
– 30 days | CZK | 70 |
– 6 months | CZK | 100 |
– 12 months | CZK | 150 |
– 12 months for pupils and students of vocational schools and the people who provide hunting within their profession or function | CZK | 75 |
b ) Issue a hunting license for an indefinite period | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Write a hunting communities in the Register of hunting associations | CZK | 500 |
d ) Change the entry in the Register of hunting associations | CZK | 500 |
Not subject to charge
Change the entry in the Register of hunting associations referred to in subparagraph d ) of this item , in the case of cancellation of registration.
The fee referred to in subparagraph a) the sixth indent is selected , if it issues the hunting license pupils or students of vocational schools , where hunting is a compulsory subject and hunters by profession, they have a working description of the implementation of active hunting , hunting landlords and persons as provided for game-warden . These persons will prove Administrative Office of the acknowledgment school education or a certificate of practice of the profession or function in the Czech Republic.
Item 14 fishing license
a) Issue a fishing license with a validity | ||
– 1 year | CZK | 100 |
– One year for persons under 15 years of age or studying fish or people who provide fishing within their profession or function | CZK | 50 |
– 3 years | CZK | 200 |
– 3 years for persons under 15 years of age or studying fish or people who provide fishing within their profession or function | CZK | 100 |
– 10 years | CZK | 500 |
– 10 years for people studying fish or people who provide fishing within their profession or function | CZK | 250 |
b ) To enable the performance of fishing rights | CZK | 2000 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph a) the second, fourth and sixth indents of this item is selected , if issued fishing licenses to persons under 15 years of pupils or students of Czech professional schools in the fields of study , or apprenticeship teaching fishing , professional workers in the field of fisheries, If you have a fishing operation in the job description , Fisheries householders and those laid down as a fishing guard. These persons will prove Administrative Office of the acknowledgment school education or a certificate of occupation or function in the Czech Republic.
Item 15 A chest of drawers. Exchange activities in the seas , Antarctica and licenses for ZOO
a) Issue state permission to operate Commodity Exchange 10) | CZK | 50 000 |
b ) Issue a certificate of proficiency or search for activities in the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof beyond the limits of national jurisdiction of 11) | CZK | 200 |
c ) Receipt of request for a decision on prior authorization of the business of the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof beyond the limits of national jurisdiction | CZK | 100 000 |
d ) Issue a license to operate a zoo 12) | CZK | 20 000 |
e ) Issuing a residence permit in the Antarctic | CZK | 5000 |
f ) Issue a permit to conduct scientific research in the Antarctic mineral resources , take mineral or paleontological finds in Antarctica and their exports to the collection of Antarctic specially protected plant and animal species in Antarctica , to intervene in the stocks or stavišť geographically native plants and animals in Antarctica or to enter Antarctic specially protected area 13) | CZK | 200 |
g ) Issue permits for construction, reconstruction or removal of objects in the Antarctic, the importation of non-indigenous species of plants, animals and micro-organisms in the Antarctic or import of dangerous substances and preparations to Antarctica | CZK | 200 |
If a state issue permits for the operation of commodity exchanges need state permits issued by other administrations by Subject exchange trading , collecting a fee under subparagraph a ) of this Item administrative authority designated by the Exchange Commissioner .
Item 16 duplicates of documents , identity cards
Documents issued license , certificate or similar document issued for a replacement document , license, certificate or equivalent document , if they are damaged, destroyed , lost, stolen, or unfit for the document , license, certificate or equivalent document containing undue records ( duplicate ) | CZK | 100 |
1 ) unusable document, license , certificate or similar document issued for the purposes of this Act, a document on which the image of the person is not true.
2) This item does not proceed , do not allow the absence of special legislation to issue the document , license, certificate or equivalent document as a duplicate issued a new document or a similar document issued recently .
The fee under this item are exempt registered churches and religious societies , legal entities established or founded as part of the registered churches and religious societies , legal entities established or established to support the activities of registered churches and religious societies to spiritual, pastoral , charitable , medical , educational or for administrative purposes and religious nuts , if relevant act with the implementation of Act No. 428/2012 Coll . , the property settlement with churches and religious societies and amending certain laws ( property settlement with churches and religious organizations ) .
Item 17-20 Construction Management and local surveys , zoning
1 ) | A decision on the location of the building or facility or the issue of the impact of changing use of the building at 14 ) | |||
a) | to build housing for 15) with a maximum of 3 dwellings or buildings for family recreation 15) | CZK | 1000 | |
b ) | to build housing for 15 ) with more than 3 bytes | CZK | 5000 | |
c ) | the construction, which performs a complementary function to the construction referred to in subparagraph a) or b ) with the exception of the building garage | CZK | 500 | |
d ) | to build a garage with a maximum of 3 stalls or row of garages | CZK | 1000 | |
and CZK 500 for the fourth and each additional parking , a maximum of CZK 5,000 | ||||
e ) | to buildings that do not require planning permission or notification , except for the technical infrastructure of public buildings or to buildings that require notification and are not referred to in subparagraph a) or b ) | CZK | 1000 | |
f ) | to build specified in subparagraphs a) to e ) | CZK | 20 000 | |
g ) | to build a well or a water project designed for wastewater treatment capacity to 50 pe | CZK | 300 | |
h ) | water works to buildings not mentioned in point g ) | CZK | 3000 | |
2 ) | A decision on the change of land use | CZK | 300 | |
a) | in the area of 5000 m 2, including | CZK | 1000 | |
b ) | over an area of 5,000 m 2 | CZK | 3000 | |
3 ) | The issue of the division or consolidation of land | CZK | 1000 | |
4 ) | The issue of the protection zone | CZK | 2000 | |
5 ) | A decision on the exemption from the general requirements for land use | CZK | 5000 | |
6 | Issue regulatory plan at the request of | CZK | 10 000 | |
1 ) If one zoning decisions or zoning approval or a public contract are to be placed more buildings that are listed under the different letters of the item , collects the fee of the sum of the rates of the fees provided in each letter of this item.
2) The land use decision simplified planning procedure selects the administrative office in charge of half the rate of the fee .
3) The issue of planning permission , select the correct office fee equal to half the rate of the fee .
4) After the conclusion of public contracts 16 ) Select the correct office fee equal to half the rate of the fee .
5 ) For issuance of zoning changes , select the correct office fee equal to half the rate of the fee .
6) the issue of the extension of the zoning authority to select the correct fee equal to half the rate of the fee .
7) To issue a joint decision by the Administrative Procedure Select the correct office fee of sum fee rates specified in the relevant sections of this item or that item and the item on the 18th
8 ) In the conclusion of a public contract for the construction location and building construction selects administrative office fee of the sum of the fee rates set for the conclusion of a public contract for the construction location and the closure of public contracts for construction.
9 ) The administrative authority responsible for the fees collected under this item is the connectivity of in accordance with § 16 paragraph 1 of the Building Act.
item 18
1 ) Issuance of building permits | ||
a) for the construction of housing for 15) with a maximum of 3 apartments or buildings for family recreation 15) | CZK | 5000 |
b ) for the construction of housing for 15 ) with more than 3 bytes | CZK | 10 00 |
c ) the construction, which performs a complementary function to the building referred to in subparagraph a) or b ) with the exception of garage construction | CZK | 500 |
d ) to build a garage with a maximum of 3 stalls or row of garages | CZK | 1000 |
and CZK 500 for the fourth and each additional parking , a maximum of CZK 5,000 | ||
e ) requiring notification to the construction , the Building Authority decided that the resolution that the announced intention to discuss the construction of the building procedure | CZK | 1000 |
f ) for the construction specified in subparagraphs a) to e ) | CZK | 10 000 |
g ) to build a well or a water project designed for wastewater treatment capacity to 50 pe | CZK | 300 |
h ) structures for water projects not mentioned in point g ) | CZK | 3000 |
2) Issue a decision on the extension of the building permit | CZK | 1000 |
3 ) The approved construction notification referred to in § 104 paragraph 1 point . a) to e ) of the Building Act | CZK | 1000 |
4 ) consent with the announced intention of building not specified in paragraph 3 | CZK | 500 |
5 ) Issuing a decision on permission to change the building before its completion | CZK | 1000 |
6 ) Issue consent to change the building before its completion | CZK | 500 |
7 ) Issue a decision authorizing use of the building | CZK | 1000 |
8 ) Issue authorization decisions early use of the building | CZK | 1000 |
9 ) Issue a decision on the permit test operation | CZK | 1000 |
10 ) Issue a decision on the permit changes in building use | CZK | 1000 |
11) granting consent to a change in building use | CZK | 500 |
12 ) Issue a decision authorizing the removal of buildings | CZK | 500 |
13) granting consent to the removal of buildings | CZK | 500 |
14) Issuing a decision on an exemption from the general technical requirements for construction or general technical requirements for barrier-free use of buildings | CZK | 5000 |
15) Verifying as-built documentation or verification of simplified documentation of actual construction ( passport ) | CZK | 500 |
16 ) The request for the appointment of an authorized inspector | CZK | 10 000 |
17) Application for legal entities with the consent of the Ministry of performing activities authorized inspector | CZK | 10 000 |
The fee is exempt issuance of a building permit to change the building for housing because of the difficulty of use of this building citizen is particularly severe disabilities , which were granted extraordinary benefits II . or III . degree ( ZTP or ZTP / P) , if the construction of housing for permanent residence .
Not subject to charge
Verifying as-built documentation acquired because it was preserved through no fault of the owner of such destruction in a fire, flood, etc.
1 ) If one building permit or a public contract authorized in the implementation of several buildings that are listed under the different letters of the item , collects the fee of the sum of the rates of the fees provided in each letter of this item.
2) The issuance of a building permit to change the finished works referred to in paragraph 1 of this item to select the correct office fee equal to half the rate of the fee .
3) The conclusion of a public contract for the construction selects administrative office in charge of half the rate of the fee .
4 ) For issuance of an additional building permit fee selects the administrative office of the sum of the rates of the fees provided for in the relevant sections of this item and the item on the 17th
5) issue a joint decision by the Administrative Procedure Select the correct office fee of sum fee rates specified in the relevant sections of this item or that item and the item on the 17th
6 ) administrative authority responsible for the fees collected under this item is the special planning authority within the meaning of § 15 paragraph 1 of the Building Act connectivity of in accordance with § 16 paragraph 1 of the Building Act and building authorities in accordance with § 16 paragraph 2 of the Building Act .
item 19
A decision on the expropriation of 17) | CZK | 5000 |
item 20
Local investigation or inspection on the spot
a) for each additional hour during working hours administration office | CZK | 500 |
b ) for each additional hour outside of working hours on working days | CZK | 1000 |
c ) for each additional hour days of rest | CZK | 2000 |
The fee under this item is exempt local investigation or inspection carried out on the spot during extraordinary mass events or accidents , local investigation or inspection carried out on the spot by the Tax Code , a local survey conducted by the Land Registry Cadastral Act investigation conducted by local law regulating integrated prevention.
Not subject to charge
1 ) Local investigation or inspection site visits for the purpose of deciding zpoplatňovaného by items 17 to 19 , with the exception of an additional building permit pursuant to § 129 paragraph 2 of the Building Act, and items 21 and 60
2) The local survey conducted in approval procedures for structures lawfully permitted under Law No. 50/1976 Coll . , On Zoning and Building Code (the Building Act), as amended.
3 ) Inspect buildings held by the plan of inspections or inspection tour of the building at the announcement of the intention to begin with the use of construction or final inspection tour of the building for the issuance of the occupancy permit .
4 ) Local investigation or inspection carried out on the spot to deal with the complaints, suggestions and announcements.
1) The fee under this item to select the correct office for a final inspection tour of the building, provided that the request for the issuance of the occupancy permit is submitted after the deadline for completion of construction.
2) The fee under this item to select the correct local authority for investigation in approval , if the application for a certificate of occupancy filed after the deadline for completion of construction.
3) The fee under this item to select the correct authority for control examination carried out in the exercise of specific powers under § 132 paragraph 2 and § 171 of the Building Act .
4 ) The fee under this item and select the correct authority for local investigation or inspection in place at the initiative of the parties, which hold an administrative office at the request of another administrative authority dealing with the parties’ pleadings .
5 ) The fee under this item shall be charged an administrative authority after the end of the local investigation , inspection or on-site inspections .
Item 21 lottery and gaming machines
Item 21 – Authorization of lotteries and other similar games by Act No. 202/1990 Coll.
as amended .
item 21
Acceptance of the application
a) a permit to operate a lottery or other similar games | CZK | 5000 |
b ) amend the permit to operate a lottery or other similar games | CZK | 3000 |
1 ) The charge referred to in subparagraph a) of this item , in terms of cash , kind or instant scratch-off lottery , the difference between the aggregate issue price of tickets issued and distributed by the anticipated fighting . The charge in respect of the raffle , the total price of tickets issued .
2 ) The charge referred to in subparagraphs b ) and d ) of this provision is the difference between the stakes and winnings paid out to players .
3) The fee referred to in subparagraphs b ) and d ) of this item shall assess the tax authority with regard to the conditions stated in the permit issued .
Item 22 certificates , authorizations for professional activities , to restore the cult. monuments …
a) Application for recognition of professional qualifications 19) | CZK | 2000 |
b ) Issue a certificate of professional competence and performance of the activities of 19) or Release 20) certificate of competency to operate a professional activity , permissions to perform the operation or professional activity or repeated granting of authorizations or official authorized to | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Allowing the restoration of cultural monuments or parts thereof which are works of fine art or artistic works ( “permission for restoration ” ) 21) , the granting of official permission for verification of the results of survey activities 22) or grant permission to the activities of selected workers 23) | CZK | 500 |
d ) Extension of validity of the documents referred to in point b ) | CZK | 50 |
e ) Acceptance of an application for state approval of a legal person to act as a private college 24) | CZK | 25 000 |
f ) Acceptance of an application for accreditation to work as an accredited certification service provider 25 ) | CZK | 100 000 |
g ) Application for conformity assessment instruments electronic signature 25 ) | CZK | 10 000 |
h ) Notice of the extension services of an accredited certification service provider | CZK | 25 000 |
i) Submission to mandate the implementation of accreditation, to mandate the implementation of the attestation or consent to a change of attestation conditions 26) | CZK | 10 000 |
j ) of the application for authorization under the law regulating verification and recognition of further education (authorization to verify the achievement of proficiency required to obtain a certificate of professional qualification or professional qualification) for each qualification | CZK | 1500 |
k) An application for an extension of the authorization referred to in point j ) | CZK | 500 |
l ) repealed by Act No. 313/2013 Coll . | ||
m ) Application for accreditation of the training program by the Social Services Act 26b) | CZK | 1000 |
n ) Application for the accreditation or authorization to carry out tests of professional competence or special qualification under the securities other conditions of health and safety at work | CZK | 5000 |
o) the request for modification of accreditation to carry out tests of proficiency or special qualification under the securities other conditions of health and safety at work | CZK | 4000 |
p) Application for extension of accreditation or authorization to conduct examinations of professional competence or special qualification under the securities other conditions of health and safety at work | CZK | 4000 |
Item 23 licenses , changes and cancellations in the energy sectors
a) The granting of a license to do business in the energy sectors 27) | |||
1 ) for the production of electricity , gas production and the production of thermal energy to the installed capacity of 1 MW , including electricity distribution , gas distribution and supply of thermal energy to the transmission capacity of 1 MW , including | CZK | 1000 | |
2 ) electricity transmission , gas transmission and gas storage | CZK | 10 000 | |
3) The generation and distribution of electricity , gas production and distribution, heat generation and distribution of heat from above 1 MW | CZK | 10 000 | |
4 ) trade in electricity and gas trading | CZK | 100 000 | |
b ) | Changing or canceling a license for business in the energy sector or the granting , renewal or termination of state authorization 27) | ||
1) change the license for electricity generation , electricity transmission and distribution of electricity , business electricity , gas production , gas transmission , gas distribution , gas storage , gas trading and thermal energy production and distribution of thermal energy | CZK | 1000 | |
2 ) revocation of licenses for all groups without sacrificing performance or a duplicate in case of loss, destruction or theft | CZK | 500 | |
3 ) authorization for construction of electricity and thermal energy sources or authorization to construct a direct line or authorization for construction of selected gas equipment | CZK | 10 000 | |
4 ) extension of the authorization granted by the state or state authorization for termination of the direct line or production of electricity or thermal energy sources ( power equipment ) or for the construction of selected gas equipment | CZK | 500 | |
c ) | The granting of licenses for the management of highly hazardous substances 28) | CZK | 1000 |
Not subject to charge
1 ) Revocation of a license or termination of state authorization of an administrative office.
2) The change referred to in point b ) of this item , related to a change has been made in the Companies Register.
Item 24 Business licenses
a) A declaration at the commencement of business operation | CZK | 1000 |
b ) Further notification of the trade | CZK | 500 |
c ) Application for a license for the Commercial | CZK | 1000 |
d ) the submission of further concession | CZK | 500 |
e ) Change the decision to award concession | CZK | 500 |
f ) issuing a decision on the approval of the responsible representative for the licensed trade | CZK | 500 |
g ) an extract from the trade register after the announced changes | CZK | 100 |
h ) Issue a full or partial extract from the Trade Register at the request of CZK 20 per each started page | CZK | 20 for each page or part thereof |
i) acceptance of a submission focal point of public administration according to § 72 of the Trade Act | CZK | 50 |
Not subject to charge
1) Issue of the first extract from the trade register , after registration in the trade register of entrepreneurs .
2) Change the conditions for business activities carried out by the administrative authority on its own initiative .
3 ) The approval of the authorized representative, if done simultaneously with the decision to award concession.
4) Change in activity in an unregulated business .
1) If it has been reported several trades simultaneously or concurrently filed multiple applications for a license fee referred to in points a) to d ) is collected only once. The fee is collected only once also, as is currently reported to trade and an application for a license .
2) The fee referred to in subparagraphs e ) , f ) and g) is payable upon notification of the change . If the fee is paid, the administrative authority fails to act .
3 ) If at the same time made more transactions subject to tax under this item, select Administrative Office only one fee in the amount equivalent to the highest rate.
4 ) If the declaration or request for an administrative act chargeable under this item submitted via public administration contact point 26), the administrative fee is collected focal point of public administration. The administrative fee set out in points a) to h ) the income of the municipality , the municipal trade licensing office to whose application has been received .
Item 25 Registration of private healthcare facilities
a) a decision granting authorization to provide health services 75 ) | CZK | 1000 |
b ) Change the decision to grant permission for the provision of health services 75 ) | CZK | 500 |
c ) Change personal data (name , surname , place of residence , place of residence ) healthcare providers in the decision to grant permission for the provision of health services including the reflection of these changes to other data in this decision | CZK | 100 |
d ) Issue a decision to withdraw authorization for the provision of health services | CZK | 150 |
e ) Issue an official statement from the National registry of 75 ) | CZK | 100 |
Not subject to charge
Issue or change a decision on granting authorization to provide health services or a decision to withdraw authorization to provide health services if they are initiated by the administrative authority.
Administrative Office shall charge a fee just under subparagraph b ) of this item , if done simultaneously changes chargeable under subparagraphs b ) and c ) of this item .
Item 26 to 30 vehicles , driving licenses, techn . fitness, driving school , MOT
a ) Write to register vehicles , if | ||||
– The bike up to 50 cm 3 | CZK | 300 | ||
– The motorcycle over 50 cm 3 including a motorcycle with a sidecar or trailer or motor tricycle or quad bikes | CZK | 500 | ||
– A motor vehicle with at least four wheels | CZK | 800 | ||
– A trailer weighing up to 750 kg , including | CZK | 500 | ||
– A trailer over 750 kg weight | CZK | 700 | ||
b ) Temporary removal of a vehicle from the vehicle register | CZK | 100 | ||
c ) Issue the license plate of the table | CZK | 200 | ||
for each table | ||||
d ) Scoreboard special license plates | CZK | 500 | ||
for each table | ||||
e ) Write the changes to the vehicle papers and vehicle register | CZK | 50 | ||
for each change | ||||
f ) Issue of license | CZK | 50 | ||
g ) Change in the driving license or an international driving license | CZK | 10 | ||
h ) release the memory card of vehicle | CZK | 700 | ||
i) issue a memory card service | CZK | 700 | ||
j ) Release the memory card driver | CZK | 700 | ||
1 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a ), third indent a paragraph f ) of this item are exempt citizens are particularly severe disabilities , who are holders of ZTP or ZTP / P
2 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt entries in the register of vehicles carried out on the basis of the decision of the court of probate proceedings or a court decision on the dissolution of marital property .
3 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt entries in the register of vehicles in changing the legal status of the entity , its trade name or his name in connection with the transfer of state property under a special legal regulation 29 ) .
4 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph d ) of this item is exempt Scoreboard special license plates for single use only.
Not subject to charge
1 ) removal of a vehicle from the registry as a result of theft , permanent removal of a vehicle from the registry and register the car from the registry.
2 ) Required replacement license plates and driver’s license under a special legal regulation 30).
1 ) issue if the vehicle registration certificate , or technical certificate listing the vehicle as a duplicate of replacing these documents when they are damaged, destroyed , lost or stolen, a fee is levied according to item 16 letter a) of the Tariff.
2 ) The act of a chargeable under subparagraph a) of this item includes writing the owner or operator of the vehicle to vehicle registration , certificate of registration and the issuing of the statement of the technical certificate of the vehicle .
3 ) If the fee is levied for vehicle registration in the register referred to in subparagraph a) of this item , the fee levied by the letters c ) to e ) of this item .
4 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph f ) of this item are also collected for issuing a license for the requested extension of a license or while a license is lost , damaged , destroyed or stolen, as well as for issuing international driving license.
5 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph g ) of this item is selected , the case of a change of name, surname or residence.
item 26a
Accreditation to conduct a psychological evaluation of traffic | CZK | 1000 |
item 27
a) Issue a decision approving the technical competence
– The type of vehicle or separate technical unit |
2000 |
– Vehicle system , part of the vehicle or vehicle equipment | CZK | 1000 |
– In mass conversion of vehicles | CZK | 500 |
b ) issuing a decision on the approval of the technical competence of the type produced in small series | ||
– The vehicle or separate technical unit | CZK | 2000 |
– Vehicle system , part of the vehicle or vehicle equipment | CZK | 1000 |
– In mass conversion of vehicles | CZK | 500 |
c ) Approval of technical competence or individually produced individually imported vehicle | CZK | 2000 |
d ) Approval of technical competence individually imported vehicle which has been granted a certificate of approval ES | CZK | 1500 |
e ) Approval of vehicle roadworthiness after conversion or approved technical competence individually produced or imported or separate technical unit approval for use of the vehicle for training in a driving school | CZK | 1000 |
f ) Approval of vehicle roadworthiness after conversion consisting in modifying the alternative diesel fuel – gas or liquefied propane – butane | CZK | 500 |
g ) Issue annex to decision approving the technical competence referred to in subparagraphs a) or b ) | CZK | 50 |
for each sheet |
The fee referred to in point e ) of this item are exempt citizens are particularly severe disabilities , who are holders of ZTP or ZTP / P
Power of attorney
The administrative authority may reduce the fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item by up to 50 % , if it issues a decision approving the technical competence of a vehicle type pursuant to a certificate of approval ES .
The act of a chargeable by the letters e ) and f ) of this item includes registration in the register of vehicles , issuance of certificates of registration and the issuing of the statement of the technical certificate of the vehicle , as well as recording the change in the vehicle documents .
item 28
a) Issue of registration to operate a driving school | CZK | 2000 | |
b ) Change in scope of registration to operate a driving school | CZK | 1000 | |
c ) the issue or extension of a certificate of professional driving instructor | CZK | 300 | |
d ) Change or renewal of a professional certificate driving instructor | CZK | 100 | |
e ) Issuance or extension of authorization for testing drivers | CZK | 1000 | |
f ) The change or extension of the mandate for testing drivers | CZK | 100 | |
g ) Issuance of a certificate of professional competence driver 30a ) | CZK | 200 | |
h ) The request for an examination at the end of initial training 30b ) | CZK | 700 | |
i) the operation of accreditation of education and training in the context of improvement of professional competence of drivers for the professional driver 30c ) | CZK | 3000 | |
j ) The granting higher accreditation to operate a safe driving training 30d) | CZK | 3000 |
item 29
a) The grant of authority to operate the testing station | CZK | 3000 |
b ) Issue a certificate to operate a testing station | CZK | 500 |
c ) The granting of permission to operate a station emissions measurement | CZK | 1500 |
d ) Issue a certificate to provide emission measuring stations | CZK | 300 |
e ) Changes in the license or certificate to operate a testing station or stations measuring emissions | CZK | 200 |
item 30
a) Issue a gun license for each group scope of authorization | CZK | 500 |
b) Issue of arms licenses for each group scope of authorization | CZK | 1000 |
c) Issuance of a certificate weapons | CZK | 200 |
d) Extension groups firearms license for each additional group scope of authorization | CZK | 500 |
e) Extension groups arms license for each additional group scope of authorization | CZK | 1000 |
Power of attorney
1) The administrative authority may reduce the fee under a) or c) of this item to up to 25 CZK, issues the licenses due to a change of residence, name or surname of a natural person.
2) The administrative authority may reduce the fee under b) or c) of this item to up to 100 CZK, issues the licenses or license due to name changes or corporate body.
3) The administrative authority may reduce the fee for issuance of a new firearms license at 300 CZK without taking into account the extent of the authorization groups, end of the period of validity of a gun license.
4) The administrative authority may reduce the fee under subparagraph c) of this item for 50 CZK, if it is a gun sport shooters, members of sports clubs and gun hunters, hunting members of the association.
1 ) For issuance of duplicate documents referred to in points a) to c ) of this item is charged for according to item 16 a) of this Tariff.
2) The issuance of a new firearms license after the expiry of its validity will be a charge referred to in subparagraph a) of this item.
Item 31-33 firearm licenses , shooting , weapons and ammunition
a) Issue of a permit to operate a shooting range | CZK | 1000 |
b) Permission to degradation, destruction or production of weapons of cut for each weapon | CZK | 200 |
c) Issue a permit to acquire the ownership, possession or carrying of weapons category B | CZK | 100 |
d) The authorization to issue weapons | CZK | 1000 |
item 32
a) Issue a certificate of homologation firearms 31) | CZK | 10 000 | |
b ) Routine and repetitive piece verification arms 31) | CZK | 150 | |
c ) Verification of arms 31) bearing the stamp of | CZK | 500 | |
d ) issue of the gun control without test fired and labeled 31) | CZK | 100 | |
e ) Issuing a decision on the inclusion of weapons or ammunition into the category | CZK | 500 | |
f ) To issue a certificate of type checking ammunition 31) | CZK | 10 000 | |
g ) Issue a certificate of type test pyrotechnic article 31) or a certificate of conformity assessment | CZK | 10 000 | |
h ) The extension of issued certificates for approval of firearms , ammunition of the type checking and issuing a decision on the validation of the certificate of conformity assessment pyrotechnic article | 50 % | ||
the fee rates under subparagraphs a) , f ) and g ) | |||
i) Routine and repetitive piece verification antique firearm | CZK | 300 | |
j ) Verification of historic firearms bearing the stamp of 31) | CZK | 1000 | |
item 33
a) Issue of arms accompanying sheet for permanent export, import or transit of weapons or ammunition | CZK | 500 |
b) Issue a single document the shipment of weapons and ammunition | CZK | 200 |
c) Issue of a permit to carry weapons or ammunition | CZK | 1000 |
d) Issue of a European firearms pass | CZK | 500 |
e) Writing weapons into the European firearms pass | CZK | 100 |
1 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt foreigners who arrive in the Czech Republic at the invitation or with the consent of the Government or the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic. The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item shall also be exempt persons who participate in international events in sport shooting and other sporting events involving sport shooting , if weapons are intended for sports .
2 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item are exempt weapon waybills for permanent export , import or transit of the weapons collected as the prices in the shooting or similar contests.
Item 34 Authorisation procedure in heavily . transport , special use pose. communications
1) Issue a license or permit or license or permit amendment 32) | ||
a) to operate regular domestic passenger traffic | ||
– For each line and the intra- city bus line | CZK | 300 |
– Interregional each line | CZK | 500 |
b ) to operate regular international passenger traffic public for each line | CZK | 5000 |
c ) to operate regular international passenger transport special for each line | CZK | 1000 |
2) Issue of license 32 ) to operate international road transport operator between two points within the territory of the Czech Republic | ||
a) to carry out one shipment | CZK | 1000 |
b ) to perform 2-5 transports | CZK | 4000 |
c ) to perform an unlimited number of shipments | CZK | 20 000 |
3 Issue 32 permits ) to a foreign operator to operate a shuttle or occasional passenger road transport or taxis | CZK | 5000 |
4 ) Issue 32 entry permit ) to operate international road freight transport foreign operator to perform one shipment | CZK | 5000 |
5 ) Issue a replacement license 32) Foreign Operator | CZK | 10 000 |
6 ) Issue Eurolicence 32) | CZK | 1000 |
7 ) Issue a copy Eurolicence 32) | CZK | 200 |
8) The issue of driver attestations 32) | CZK | 500 |
9 ) Issue a copy of the driver’s certificate 32) | CZK | 500 |
10 ) Issue certificates of operation for own use 32) | CZK | 500 |
11 ) Extract from the register of road transport 32) | CZK | 50 |
12 ) The granting of the delegation of activities related to the agreement ADR 32) | CZK | 5000 |
13) Issuance of a certificate taxi driver | CZK | 500 |
Power of attorney
The administrative authority may , on the basis of reciprocity or under an international treaty by which the Czech Republic is bound, waive the collection fee under paragraph 1 letters b ) and c ) and section 2-5 of this item , or to reduce the rate of tax or fee increase to five times due to security policy transport policy agreements with the central government.
Not subject to charge
1 ) Change licenses or permits referred to in paragraph 1 of this article version of an administrative office.
2) Issue a permit or license to operate a transport for humanitarian reasons given in this section .
3) The issue of a license or permit or a change referred to in paragraph 1 of this item , the adoption by the carrier on the route in question or any part of a public service obligation .
item 35
Issue of license 33 ) for the specific use of the highway or local road with traffic particularly heavy or bulky objects and the use of vehicles whose dimensions , weight per axle or vehicle weight exceeds the limits set A. In domestic transport
a) only if it exceeds the maximum permissible dimensions | CZK | 1200 |
b ) the maximum permissible weight of up to 60 t , including | CZK | 2500 |
c ) the maximum permissible weight of over 60 to perform multiple shipments with MPW to 60 t ( with valid permit for up to three months after the effective permission ) | CZK | 6000 |
- In international traffic
a) only if it exceeds the maximum permissible dimensions of a width not exceeding 3.5 meters | CZK | 4500 |
b ) in other cases
maximum permissible weight ( t ) | 60 including | above 60 | above 80 | over 100 | over 120 | over 150 |
rate in CZK |
6000 | 12 000 | 20 000 | 30 000 | 40 000 | 60 000 |
exceeding the maximum permissible axle load ( in%) | 3-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | above 30 | ||||||
rate in CZK |
5000 | 15 000 | 30 000 | 60 000 | ||||||
Overall width in mm | over 3500 | over 4000 | over 4500 | over 5000 | over 5500 | |||||
rate in CZK |
3000 | 6000 | 10 000 | 15 000 | 20 000 | |||||
in the case of transit traffic |
CZK 25,000 |
Total fee I + II + III + IV |
The fees referred to in points A and B of this item are exempt permit for transport of agricultural machinery in the context of seasonal work in agriculture.
Power of attorney
The administrative authority may waive the collection fee under paragraph B of this item or reduce the rate of charge on the basis of reciprocity, in order to safeguard the principles of transport policy.
The limits of dimensions , axle load and vehicle weight , Act No. 56/2001 Coll . and Decree No. 341/2002 Coll . , the approval of the technical competence and the technical operation of vehicles on the road, as amended by Decree No. 100/2003 Coll .
item 36
a) Issue of license 33 ) for the specific use of motorways , roads and local roads for the duration of | ||
– 10 days and for less than 10 days | CZK | 100 |
– 6 months to less than 6 months | CZK | 500 |
– More than 6 months | CZK | 1000 |
b ) Issue permits 33 ) to connect the adjoining property to the highway rest area or speed road or to road | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Issue permits 33 ) to connect neighboring property on the road II . or Class III . class or on a local road | CZK | 500 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt permit to establish a parking space for people with particularly severe disabilities , who are holders of ZTP or ZTP / P
Not subject to charge
1 ) Permission to use a particular road subsequently issued as a result of the accident .
2) The issue of the authorization referred to in subparagraphs b ) and c ) of this item to connect the neighboring property , in the case of regular passenger transport stops , parking and rest areas , which are part of the relevant national or local road under a special legal regulation 33 ) .
item 36a
a) Issue permits of road safety auditors | CZK | 300 |
b ) accreditation to conduct training for obtaining permission to audit the safety of roads | CZK | 2000 |
Item 37-44 inland navigation, maritime shipping
a) Issue or extension of license validity members of the ship crew of the vessel or swimming service books | CZK | 200 |
b ) Issue or extension of license validity Small Craft | CZK | 150 |
c ) Issue or the extension of the international license, leader of recreational vessels in inland navigation | CZK | 200 |
d ) Issuance or extension of an international certificate leaders recreational vessels for offshore sailing at sea | CZK | 300 |
e ) Issuance of a certificate ( duplicate) substitute for a valid license or certification as a result of the change or add data to the request of the taxpayer or his interest | CZK | 100 |
f ) issuing or extending a surveyor specified equipment on board | CZK | 400 |
g ) Issue a certificate of professional competence for water transport for hire or reward | CZK | 500 |
1) The duplicate license fee is collected under item 16 a) of this Tariff.
2 ) To issue certificates of special knowledge for the transport of dangerous goods by water transport (TDG ) is charged for according to item 22 letter b ) of the Tariff.
item 38
a) Issue or renewal of the vessel certificate for a vessel or floating device certificate in inland navigation | ||
– Small vessels up to 5 m , including | CZK | 300 |
– A small vessel over a length of 5 m | CZK | 500 |
– Ferry vessel | CZK | 400 |
– Other vessels or floating structures | ||
– A displacement of up to 15 t, | CZK | 400 |
– The displacement of over 15 t | CZK | 600 |
b ) Issuance or renewal of an international certificate for pleasure craft on inland waterways | CZK | 100 |
c ) issuing or renewal of a license for calibrating vessel | ||
– Intended for the transport of goods | CZK | 1000 |
– Unidentified for transport costs | CZK | 500 |
d ) Issuance of a special permit for a voyage or permit to operate a floating body or authorization for placing vessels on the waterway or permit to operate a foreign vessel on the waterways Czech Republic | CZK | 500 |
e ) Approval of competence specified equipment on board | CZK | 100 |
for each type of equipment |
Not subject to charge
Approval of competence specified equipment on the vessel referred to in point e ) of this item before issuing or renewing a certificate of the vessel.
The act of a chargeable under subparagraph a) of this item includes registration of the vessel or floating device in the registration and verification of technical competence .
item 39
a) Approval of the technical documentation for the construction of a small vessel or floating equipment and permits for the construction of the vessel or facility | CZK | 500 |
b ) Issue the license type of vessel | CZK | 2000 |
c ) Write a change of owner or operator of the vessel or change data on board the sailing ship register and documents | CZK | 200 |
d ) Registration or cancellation of the registration of a lien in the Shipping Register and the ship’s papers | CZK | 200 |
e ) Cancellation of vessels of Shipping Register | CZK | 200 |
f ) Approval of repair or alteration affecting the design of the vessel 34) | CZK | 500 |
Not subject to charge
Write amendments referred to in paragraph c ) of this item before adopting or extending the validity of the certificate for the vessel .
The fee referred to in subparagraph c ) of this item is collected only once for any changes made while in the documents and index the records of a vessel.
item 40
a) Issue permits to use the public port operator for vessels loaded with dangerous goods | CZK | 2000 |
b ) Issue permits for the transport of dangerous goods | CZK | 5000 |
c ) Issue a permit to establish a junkyard | CZK | 2000 |
d ) Issue permits for special transport | CZK | 1500 |
e ) Issuing a decision on approval to operate the harbor | CZK | 1000 |
f ) Application for a defined area for the operation of personal watercraft 34a) | CZK | 1000 |
1 ) The fee referred to in points a) and b ) of this item is exempt permit for a vessel engaged in supplying ships in the harbor.
2 ) The fee referred to in point e ) of this item is exempt permit for the movement of floating landing stages of public transport.
Not subject to charge
Issue permits to use public protective harbor craft in the interest of safety ( water level , freeze , halt cruises , etc. ) referred to in subparagraph a) of this item.
1 ) Allowing zpoplatňovaným under subparagraph b ) of this item for the purposes of this Act, a permit to transport a certain volume of dangerous goods of the same kind , regardless of the number of vessels used the same carrier on schedule transportation.
2 ) government issues permits for special transport , chargeable under subparagraph d ) of this item , by OR . 1.21 Order of navigational safety.
item 41
a) Issue Seaman’s book | CZK | 500 |
b ) Issue of license | ||
– Watchkeeping | CZK | 1500 |
– officer | CZK | 2000 |
– captain | CZK | 3000 |
– Other members of the ship’s crew | CZK | 1000 |
– Commander Naval yachts or pleasure yacht management | CZK | 500 |
c ) Issue of license or exchange | CZK | 400 |
d ) Issue of certificate certifying recognition | ||
– officer | CZK | 2000 |
– captain | CZK | 3000 |
e ) Issuance of the document referred to in points a) to d ) ( duplicate) substitute for evidence lost, destroyed or damaged | CZK | 400 |
item 42
a) Write naval vessels in the maritime register , if | ||
– Maritime yachts whose length does not exceed 12 m hull including | CZK | 10 000 |
– Maritime yachts whose length exceeds 12 m hull | CZK | 15 000 |
– Maritime commercial vessels ( hereinafter referred to as “boats ” ) | CZK | 100 000 |
– A tanker ship or ships designed for special purposes | CZK | 130000 |
b ) Write ships under construction in the maritime register , including confirmation of registration | CZK | 50 000 |
– Tanker ships or ships designed for special purposes | CZK | 65000 |
c ) Write the inclusion of pleasure yachts to pleasure yachts evidence in the case | ||
– Pleasure yachts on their body length not exceeding 12 m , including | CZK | 5000 |
– On pleasure yachts whose length exceeds 12 m hull | CZK | 10 000 |
item 43
a) Write deletion of naval vessels in the maritime register , including confirmation of the cancellation , if | ||
– On sea yacht | CZK | 2000 |
– The naval vessels | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) Write the exclusion of evidence pleasure yachts pleasure yachts | ||
including confirmation of withdrawal | CZK | 2000 |
item 44
a) The granting of interim authorization to cruise ship | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) The granting of interim authorization for sailing sea yacht | CZK | 3000 |
c ) Issue of ship’s papers , case
– By sea or pleasure yachts |
1000 |
– The naval vessels | CZK | 2500 |
Item 45-57 of airport and aircraft
a) obtain authorization to airport | ||
or to establish the kind of | ||
– International Public | CZK | 15 000 |
– International private | CZK | 10 000 |
– National public | CZK | 5000 |
– National private | CZK | 3000 |
b ) Change permission to operate the airport or to determine its type | 10% | |
fee rates under subparagraph a) of this item | ||
c ) Issue of certificates (certificate) on the eligibility of public international airport for aircraft with a maximum take-off weight | ||
– More than 10 tons | CZK | 30 000 |
– 10 tonnes or less | CZK | 10 000 |
d ) Change certificate (certificate) on the eligibility of public international airport for aircraft with a maximum take-off weight | ||
– More than 10 tons | CZK | 1500 |
– 10 tonnes or less | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Extension of certificate (certificate) on the eligibility of public international airport for aircraft with a maximum take-off weight | ||
– More than 10 tons | CZK | 1500 |
– 10 tonnes or less | CZK | 1000 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph d ) of this item are exempt operators offering integrated rescue system , if it is to operate a heliport.
item 46
a) Issue a decision to consent to the establishment of structures or facilities and implementation of activities not related to aviation airport in the protection zone | CZK | 5000 |
b ) Issuing a decision on approval of the location of the building and equipment outside the protection zone airport | CZK | 3000 |
item 47
a) Issue of licenses to operate scheduled commercial air transport | CZK | 50 000 |
b ) Issue a license to operate non-scheduled commercial air transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight | ||
– 10 tonnes or less , with a total seating capacity for 20 passengers , including a smaller | CZK | 15 000 |
– More than 10 tonnes or with a total seating capacity of more than 20 | CZK | 50 000 |
c ) Issue a permit to operate air taxi services | CZK | 15 000 |
d ) The renewal of a license or permit or change the license or permit | CZK | 1500 |
1 ) The act of a chargeable under this item includes the issue of domestic air carrier certificate Civil Aviation Authority .
2) The fee under this item are also collected for licenses to operate scheduled commercial air transport issued by a foreign air carrier .
item 48
a) The registration of aircraft or removal from the aircraft register or change in data recorded in the register of aircraft to aircraft with a maximum take-off weight | ||
– More than 10 tons | CZK | 3000 |
– 10 tonnes or less | CZK | 1000 |
b ) Issue a certificate aviation staff member or duplicate | CZK | 500 |
The act of a chargeable under subparagraph a) of this item includes the issuance of a certificate , document , or certificate of ownership of the aircraft under a special legal regulation governing civil aviation 35) .
item 49 | ||
a) The granting of permission for the development, design, manufacture , testing , maintenance , repairs, modifications and design changes to the aircraft , component parts and aeronautical products 35) | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) Issue a certificate of approval for the maintenance organization 35a) or to produce 35b organization ) | CZK | 10 000 |
– Up to 10 workers | CZK | 10 000 |
-11 – 30 workers, including | CZK | 20 000 |
-31 – 50 workers, including | CZK | 30 000 |
– Over 50 workers | CZK | 40 000 |
c ) Granting permission to design installations and zástavbám ground facilities | CZK | 10 000 |
d ) Issue a certificate for an organization to manage the continuing airworthiness 35a) | ||
– Gliders and aircraft piston engine / motors | CZK | 10 000 |
– Aircraft turbine engine / motors | CZK | 30 000 |
1) The fee referred to in subparagraph d ) of this item are also collected for approval of the changes in the management of continuing airworthiness , and a 50 % royalty rate . 2 ) the number of employees referred to in point b ) is the number of workers outside the administrative staff . |
item 50 | ||
a) Issue a certificate for the training of aviation personnel | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) The extension or amendment of a certificate for the training of aviation personnel | CZK | 1500 |
c ) Recognition of a foreign license
– In the case of a Czech citizen or a citizen of a Member State of the European Union – If it is a citizen of a country which is not a Member State of the European Union |
500 1500 |
item 51 | ||
a) Issue a permit to conduct aerial work or air activities for own use | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) Issue of a permit to fly aircraft without a pilot | CZK | 5000 |
c ) The extension or amendment of an authorization to conduct aerial work or air activities for their own use or permit to fly aircraft without a pilot | CZK | 1500 |
item 52 | ||
a) Issue a decision authorizing the provision of air traffic services, including airport | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) Issue a decision to consent to the provision of air services telecommunications , meteorological information , pre-flight preparation and monitoring of flight or ground handling at the airport | CZK | 10 000 |
c ) Extension of the decisions referred to in points a) or b ) or change their | CZK | 1500 |
item 53 | ||
a) Issue a decision to consent to the test flying | CZK | 5000 |
b ) Change the decision to consent to the test flying | CZK | 1500 |
item 54
- a) Issue a decision on the approval of aircraft including the issuance of a type certificate ( the fee under letter A)
b ) issuing a decision on the approval of major changes to an aircraft type or major modification of an individual aircraft including the issuance of a supplemental type certificate approval modification or change to the type certificate ( the fee under letter B )
c ) Recognition of the type of aircraft on the basis of evidence of approval issued by a foreign aircraft aviation authority , including the issuance of evidence of recognition by type ( the fee under letter C )
d ) issuing a decision on the approval of non-standard repairs ( the fee under letter D )
e ) validation or recognition of noise including aircraft noise certification ( fee rate under the letter E )
A | B | C | D | E | Rate in CZK | |
Rate in CZK | Rate in CZK | Rate in CZK | ||||
Rate in CZK | ||||||
Balloons and airships | 5000 | 500 | 1500 | – | – | |
gliders | 8000 | 2500 | 2500 | 200 | – | |
Motorized gliders and ultralight aircraft | 10 000 | 3000 | 3000 | 200 | ||
Aeroplanes and helicopters to 5,700 kg including | 20 000 | 5000 | 5000 | 500 | 2000 | |
Aeroplanes and helicopters over 5700 kg | 50 000 | 15 000 | 15 000 | 1000 | 5000 |
1) The fee referred to in point b ) of this item is collected only for the decision on the approval of a major structural change in the type of aircraft or major modification of an individual aircraft . A major change or significant modifications for the purposes of this Act, means such changes or modifications that have a material effect on the mass, balance , structural strength, reliability, operational characteristics , or other characteristics affecting the airworthiness of the aircraft .
2 ) non-standard repairs for the purposes of this Act, a correction to documents that are not part of the instructions for continued airworthiness processed type certificate holder for the approval of aircraft type .
item 55
- a) Issue of airworthiness certificates ( the fee under letter F )
b ) Extension of airworthiness certificates , special airworthiness certificate or renewal of airworthiness for an aircraft which temporarily ceased to exist ( the fee under letter G )
c ) Issue of special airworthiness certificate
– Valid up to 60 days inclusive ( the fee under letter G )
– Valid over 60 days ( rate under the letter F )
d ) Issue of airworthiness certificates for special purposes ( the fee under letter F )
e ) Issuance of export airworthiness certificate ( the fee under letter F )
f ) Issue of permits to fly
– Valid up to 60 days inclusive ( the fee under letter G )
– With a validity of 12 months (the rate at f)
g ) Approval of flight conditions
– For permission to fly with a validity of 60 days ( the fee under letter G )
– For permission to fly with a validity of 12 months (the rate at f)
h ) Issue a separate airworthiness review certificate or its renewal
– Issue an airworthiness review certificate or its renewal on the basis of a recommendation issued by organizations to manage the continuing airworthiness ( the fee under letter G )
– Issue an airworthiness review certificate or extension of its validity without submitting the recommendations issued by organizations to manage the continuing airworthiness (rate under the letter F )
F | G | |
Balloons and airships | 1000 | 100 |
gliders | 3000 | 300 |
Motorized gliders and ultralight aircraft | 3500 | 350 |
Aeroplanes and helicopters to 5,700 kg including | 7000 | 700 |
Aeroplanes and helicopters over 5700 kg | 15 000 | 1500 |
Engines – installed in gliders and ultralight aircraft | 1500 CZK | |
– Piston Engines | 2000 CZK | |
– Engine turboprop , turboshaft and turbofan | 3000 CZK | |
Fixed- angle setting sheet | 1000 CZK | |
Propeller – adjustable on the ground | 1500 CZK | |
Propeller – controlled in flight | 2000 CZK |
Power of attorney
The administrative authority may reduce the fee to 10% of fees by the letter F for changes in documents.
If issued a new airworthiness certificate together with the certificate of airworthiness review fee is levied only for the airworthiness certificate .
item 56
- a) The approval of aircraft components including the issuance of a type certificate
– The engine ( the fee under letter H )
– For propeller ( the fee under letter K)
b ) Issuing a decision on approval of a major structural change in the type of aircraft components including the issuance of a supplemental type certificate or a change to the type certificate
– The engine ( the fee under letter I)
– For propeller ( the fee under letter L)
c ) Recognition of the type of aircraft components based on proof of approval issued by the parts of the aircraft aviation authority of another country , including the recognition by type
– The engine ( the fee under letter J )
– For propeller ( the fee under letter M )
drive units
H | I | J | |
Rate in CZK | Rate in CZK | Rate in CZK | |
– For installation in gliders and ultralight aircraft | 3000 | 1500 | 1500 |
– piston | 6000 | 3000 | 3000 |
– Turboprop , turboshaft and turbofan | 10 000 | 5000 | 5000 |
K | L | M | |
Rate in CZK | Rate in CZK | Rate in CZK | |
– Fixed blade angle setting – wood | 1000 | 500 | 500 |
– Fixed angle settings sheet – metal and composite | 2000 | 1000 | 1000 |
– Adjustable on the ground | 3000 | 2000 | 2000 |
– Adjustable in flight | 5000 | 3000 | 3000 |
Major changes for the purposes of this Act, a change that has a significant effect on weight , structural strength, reliability, operational characteristics , or other characteristics affecting the airworthiness of aircraft components .
item 57
1) Issue a decision on the type approval of aeronautical products for use in civil aviation
a) part of the aircraft kits | CZK | 2000 |
– Issue a decision approving the development of a product or system airplane kits | CZK | 1000 |
b ) on-board system , unless approved under a type approval of aircraft | CZK | 4000 |
– Issue a decision approving the development of a product or system airplane kits | CZK | 2000 |
c ) lighting devices and components, systems lighting equipment | CZK | 2000 |
d ) ground electronic security equipment | ||
– Equipment | CZK | 2000 |
– system | CZK | 4000 |
e ) The ground equipment for the diagnosis and evaluation of aircraft | CZK | 4000 |
f ) Ground source of energy for aircraft | CZK | 2000 |
g ) flight simulators | CZK | 15 000 |
h ) flight simulators | CZK | 25 000 |
i) equipment for measuring and evaluating the effects of braking on surfaces moved by airports | CZK | 2000 |
j ) equipment designed for the transport of goods on board the aircraft | CZK | 2000 |
2) The renewal of the type approval of aeronautical products for use in civil aviation | 20 % of fees by point 1 c) to j ) of this item |
Not subject to charge
The operations referred to in this item , in the case of products not subject to state supervision of the Office for Civil Aviation .
1 ) The act of a chargeable under this item includes the issuance of a document or decision.
2 ) To issue a decision approving the operational suitability of products are levied by the letters c ) to j ) of this item .
Item 58 Permission for operation of rail rolling stock
a) issuing a decision on the inclusion of the railroad to change the category or categories of rail tracks | CZK | 2000 |
b ) Issue of approval for the rail operation | ||
– National or regional | CZK | 10 000 |
– Special tram , trolleybus or siding with the length of the transport routes longer than 1,000 meters | CZK | 3000 |
– Siding with the length of transport routes , including the 1,000 m and shorter | CZK | 1500 |
– rope | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Change of approval for the rail operation | CZK | 1000 |
d ) Adoption of a proposal by the Railways to cancel an official permit to operate the track | CZK | 500 |
e ) Issuance of license to operate rail transport on track | ||
– National or regional | CZK | 10 000 |
– Special tram , trolleybus or siding | CZK | 3000 |
– rope | CZK | 1000 |
f ) Change license to operate rail transport | CZK | 1000 |
g ) Adoption of the proposal for the withdrawal of carrier license | CZK | 500 |
h ) Issue a certificate of a rail vehicle on tracks | CZK | 500 |
i ) issuing a decision on the extent and manner of safeguarding the railway crossing a road at rail level or of changes | CZK | 500 |
j ) certification of the carrier or amendment of certificates | CZK | 1000 |
k) Issue of driving licenses to | CZK | 500 |
l ) accreditation to conduct training for obtaining a driver’s license driver’s certificate | CZK | 3000 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph h ) of this item is selected for railway vehicles of the same type on one mountain lift only once.
item 59
a) The approval of a rail vehicle | ||
– Electric locomotives , electric multiple units , diesel locomotives , motor cars , passenger cars over 160 km / h. , Track vehicles specially designed for the carriage of passengers , trams, trolleybuses | CZK | 30 000 |
– Passenger cars , specially designed rail vehicles propelled the construction, repair and maintenance of railways | CZK | 15 000 |
– Trucks, specially designed rail vehicle without its own motive power for the construction , repair and maintenance of railway vehicles and cableways | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) Approval of changes to a rail vehicle , meaning a deviation from the approved type 36) regardless of the number of deviations | CZK | 2000 |
c ) Issuance of a certificate of fitness to drive rail vehicle | CZK | 100 |
d ) Issuance of the license to operate the specified equipment 37) | CZK | 50 |
e ) Extension of a certificate of professional competence of individuals performing inspection ( inspection ) specified technical equipment of other technical equipment of the same type | CZK | 100 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph d ) of this item shall be collected only once , even if it contains a technological unit more specific technical equipment under a special regulation 37) .
Item 60 Mining activities and geological survey | ||
1) Issue | ||
a) permission for mining activities or to perform mining activities | CZK | 1000 |
– Change permission for mining activities or to perform mining activities | CZK | 500 |
b ) permit for mining activities or to perform mining activities | CZK | 1500 |
– Change permission for mining activities or to perform mining activities | CZK | 750 |
c ) authorization to acquire , transfer , import, export or transit of explosives | CZK | 500 |
d ) the authorization for making simple explosives | CZK | 300 |
e ) permits blasting and fireworks | CZK | 300 |
f ) permits the mine or mining buildings included in the authorization referred to in point b ) | CZK | 300 |
g ) permits a determination of professional bodies and experts authorized to process reports and conduct examinations | CZK | 300 |
h ) a license to use the type of mining machinery, equipment or tools | CZK | 500 |
i) permission to use the type of mining device | CZK | 300 |
j ) decisions to fix , change or cancel the mining area | CZK | 1500 |
k) permission to the first use of explosives in hazardous conditions and in hazardous environments | CZK | 1000 |
– Change permission to the first use of explosives in hazardous conditions and in hazardous environments | CZK | 500 |
2) Issue a decision 38) | ||
a) establishing an exploration area for bearing survey or an extension of the decision | CZK | 2000 |
b ) the determination of significant research and geological exploration works | CZK | 1000 |
c ) the prior approval of the application for determination of a lease or an extension of the decision | CZK | 1000 |
Not subject to charge
A decision to cancel or amend the mining area referred to in point 1 . j ) of this item issued by administrative authorities on their own initiative .
The fee referred to in point 1 of bullets in letters a) , b ) and k) of this item is selected , if it is a change in the facts under registration privileges , change the objects of the permit or change the conditions of the permit to the first use of explosives .
Item 61 Exports and imports will threaten . and specially protected fauna and flora
1 ) Application for | ||
a) issue a license to operate a zoo 38a ) | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) issuing a license for the processing, packaging or repackaging caviar sturgeon 38b ) | CZK | 10 000 |
c ) issue a license for a manufacturer or distributor of brands for marking specimens of species of wild fauna 38b ) | CZK | 1000 |
d ) granting authorization to export, import or transfer of specimens of species of wild fauna and flora , seal products, or animal fur and other products made from pelts of animals covered by import restrictions 38b ) | CZK | 1000 |
e ) the issuance of export permits for specially protected animals or plants 38b ) | CZK | 1000 |
f ) the issue of a traveling exhibition 38c ) on 1-10 specimens of species of wild fauna or flora 38b ) | CZK | 1000 |
g ) the issue of a traveling exhibition of more than 10 specimens of species of wild fauna or flora 38b ) | CZK | 2000 |
h ) issue exemptions from the prohibition of commercial activities on 1-20 specimens of species of wild fauna or flora 38b ) | CZK | 100 |
for each specimen | ||
i ) the issuance of exemptions from the prohibition of commercial activities in more than 20 specimens of species of wild fauna or flora 38b ) | CZK | 2000 |
2) Issue | ||
a) a numbered ring to the prescribed indication bird that specimen 38b ) | CZK | 20 |
b ) signs to indicate specimens of species of wild fauna 38b ) | CZK | 20 |
c ) certified photocopy of the copy for the holder of an import permit 38d) | CZK | 30 |
1 ) The fee referred to in point 1 point . d ), e) , h ) and i ) of this item is exempt receipt of an application for a permit to export or import of specimens having a personal or family nature including hunting trophies from animals caught personally by the exporter or importer.
2 ) The fee referred to in point 1 point . d ), e) , h ) and i ) of this item is exempt receipt of an application for a permit to export or import or issue exemptions from the prohibition of commercial activities for specimens intended to rescue breeding or for scientific or educational purposes , for specimens intended for breeding or growing purposes under the rescue program and specimens from breeding or intended for breeding , or collections of zoological and botanical gardens , workplaces, universities , Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and other scientific institutions registered by the Ministry of environment.
3) The fee under point 1 . d ), e) , h ) and i ) of this item is exempt receipt of an application for a permit to export or import herbarium , the museum , dried or otherwise preserved specimens and live plants for the purpose of non-commercial loan , donation or exchange between scientists , scientific institutions registered on list maintained by the Ministry of Environment.
4 ) The fee pursuant to paragraph 2 . a) and b ) of this item is exempt edition of the ring or any other brand for specimens intended to rescue breeding or for scientific or educational purposes , for specimens intended for breeding or cultivation purposes under the rescue program and specimens originating from or destined for breeding or collections zoological and botanical gardens , workplaces, universities , Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and other scientific institutions registered by the Ministry of environment.
5 ) The fee referred to in point 1 point . d ), e) , h ) and i ) of this item is exempt receipt of an application for a permit to export or import of live specimens , with which the owner is traveling for less than three months and the specimen remains for the trip in his possession .
Item 62 hallmarking
a) Validation of the hallmarks |
CZK | 20 |
b ) issuing a decision on the allocation of the trade mark or brand liability | CZK | 200 |
c ) Issue a decision to cancel a production marks or liability brand | CZK | 40 |
d ) Issue a certificate of registration jewelery alloys in the list of registered alloys | CZK | 400 |
e ) Issuance of Decision 39) to maintain a production marks or liability brand | CZK | 100 |
Not subject to charge
The decision to cancel a production or liability brand names mentioned in point c ) of this item by the authorities on their own initiative .
Item 63-66 according to the Law on Protection of Competition | ||||||
a) Adoption of the proposal to permit the merger | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
b ) Adoption of an exemption from the prohibition on implementation of the concentration | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
item 64 | ||||||
Acceptance of an application for registration in the list of qualified suppliers 41) | CZK | 3000 | ||||
Acceptance of an application to change the entry in the list of qualified suppliers 41) | CZK | 1000 | ||||
Acceptance of an application for approval of certified suppliers 41) | CZK | 20 000 | ||||
Acceptance of an application for approval of changes to the certified vendors 41) | CZK | 5000 | ||||
item 65 | ||||||
1 ) Application for the | ||||||
a) banking license of a bank based in the Czech Republic | CZK | 200000 | ||||
b ) a banking license to a foreign bank with its registered office in a non-Member State of the European Union, which it plans to establish a branch within the territory of the Czech Republic | CZK | 200000 | ||||
c ) authorization to carry on insurance home insurance or reinsurance activities, domestic reinsurance | CZK | 200000 | ||||
d ) the authorization to carry on insurance business insurance company from a third country to the territory of the Czech Republic on the basis of the right to establish branches | CZK | 200000 | ||||
e ) permit to operate a reinsurance reinsurance business from a third country to the territory of the Czech Republic on the basis of the right to establish branches | CZK | 200000 | ||||
2 ) Application for permission | ||||||
a) the Central Depository | CZK | 200000 | ||||
b ) the business of securities | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
c ) to provide investment services in the Czech Republic through a branch of a foreign entity with a registered office in the State , which is not a Member State of the European Union | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
d ) the business of the regulated market | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
e ) to operate a settlement system | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
f ) the business of an investment company pursuant to § 479 of the Act regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
g ) the operation of a foreign person pursuant to § 481 of the Act regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
h ) the business of self-government investment fund pursuant to § 480 of the Act regulating investment companies and investment funds , has to become a special fund or | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
i) to operate a payment system with settlement finality | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
j ) to the formation of a business savings and loan association | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
k) to establish and operate a pension fund | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
l ) a license for the pension company | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
m ) permission to create a pension fund of government bonds, conservative pension fund , pension fund balanced and dynamic pension fund | CZK | 100 000 | ||||
n ) the business of credit institutions | CZK | 50 000 | ||||
o) the business of electronic money institutions | CZK | 50 000 | ||||
p) the business of an investment company pursuant to § 479 of the Act regulating investment companies and investment funds , where he intends to manage only the funds of qualified investors or foreign investment funds comparable to the Fund for qualified investors | CZK | 50 000 | ||||
q ) the activities of a foreign person under § 481 of the Act regulating investment companies and investment funds , where he intends to manage only the funds of qualified investors or foreign investment funds comparable to the Fund for qualified investors | CZK | 50 000 | ||||
r) to the activity of the autonomous investment fund pursuant to § 480 of the Act regulating investment companies and investment funds , has to become a qualified investor fund | CZK | 50 000 | ||||
s) for the operation of the main administrator | CZK | 20 000 | ||||
3 ) Application for registration | ||||||
a) an insurance intermediary | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
b ) independent loss adjusters | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
c ) investment provider | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
d ) the payment service provider of small-scale | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
e ) the electronic money issuer of small-scale | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
f ) exchange activities | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
4 ) Application for a permit to operate as a processor of domestic banknotes and coins | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
5 ) The request for a change | ||||||
a) banking license of the bank based in the Czech Republic | CZK | 70000 | ||||
b ) a banking license to a foreign bank branch situated in another Member State than | CZK | 70000 | ||||
c ) to the extent permitted activities of a home insurance or reinsurance | CZK | 70000 | ||||
d ) To the extent permitted branch of an insurance or reinsurance undertaking from a third country | CZK | 70000 | ||||
e ) authorization of a central depository | CZK | 70000 | ||||
f ) permit for the business of securities | CZK | 35000 | ||||
g ) to provide investment services in the Czech Republic through a branch of a foreign entity with a registered office in the State , which is not a Member State of the European Union | CZK | 35000 | ||||
h ) authorization to operate a regulated market | CZK | 35000 | ||||
6 ) The request for approval of amendments to the rules of the settlement system | CZK | 35000 | ||||
7 ) The request for a change | ||||||
a ) authorization of an investment company | CZK | 35000 | ||||
b ) authorization to operate a foreign person under § 481 of the Act governing the investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 35000 | ||||
c ) authorization to operate the autonomous investment fund | CZK | 35000 | ||||
d ) a license for the main administrator | CZK | 35000 | ||||
e ) the rules of the payment system with SFD | CZK | 35000 | ||||
f ) authorization to operate a savings and loan association | CZK | 35000 | ||||
g ) registration of the payment service provider of small-scale | CZK | 5000 | ||||
h ) the registration of the electronic money issuer of small-scale | CZK | 5000 | ||||
i) permit the activities of payment institutions | CZK | 20 000 | ||||
j ) permits the business of electronic money institutions | CZK | 20 000 | ||||
8 ) Applications | ||||||
a) the approval of the transfer of the insurance portfolio or its parts | CZK | 20 000 | ||||
b ) approval of transfers of portfolios or parts | CZK | 20 000 | ||||
c ) the consent of the management of the assets of the branch of a third country reinsurance as principal folded on account specifically established for this purpose | CZK | 20 000 | ||||
9 ) Application for | ||||||
a) registration of business investment broker or dealer in securities brokerage supplementary pension savings under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
b ) registration activities tied agent of an investment broker or dealer in securities brokerage supplementary pension savings under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 2000 | ||||
c ) registration of a tied agent company pension under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 2000 | ||||
d ) accreditation under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
e ) Extension of accreditation under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 5000 | ||||
f ) a license to operate in mediation supplementary pension savings under the act governing supplementary pension savings to an investment firm that is a bank | CZK | 10 000 | ||||
g ) for registration of investment fund with legal personality , which is not self- fund , under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 2000 | ||||
h ) the entry of a standard fund or data on sub- standard fund under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 2000 | ||||
i) the registration of investment fund depository under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 2000 | ||||
j ) for registration of a liquidator or conservator under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 2000 | ||||
10 ) Renewal | ||||||
a) writing activities tied agent of an investment broker or dealer in securities under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 1000 | ||||
b ) write a tied agent company pension under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 1000 | ||||
c) the activities of an investment broker or securities dealer under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 5000 | ||||
d ) a license to operate in mediation supplementary pension savings under the act governing supplementary pension savings to an investment firm that is a bank | CZK | 5000 | ||||
item 66
1 ) Application for the | ||
a) prior approval of the acquisition or increase of a qualifying holding in a bank or to become persons controlling bank | CZK | 20 000 |
b ) prior approval of the acquisition of a qualifying holding or increasing participation in the domestic insurance undertaking or to its domination | CZK | 20 000 |
c ) with the prior approval of the acquisition of a qualifying holding or increasing participation in the domestic reinsurance undertaking or to its domination | CZK | 20 000 |
d ) the prior approval of the acquisition or increase of a qualifying holding in the regulated market or to become persons controlling the regulated market | CZK | 20 000 |
e ) consent prior to the acquisition or increase of a qualifying holding in an investment firm or to become persons controlling securities dealer | CZK | 20 000 |
f ) the prior approval of the acquisition or increase of a qualifying holding in the Central Depository or to become persons controlling the central depository | CZK | 20 000 |
g ) approval to acquire or increase a qualifying holding in an investment company , the main administrator or municipal investment fund or to become persons controlling investment company , the main administrator or samoprávný investment fund | CZK | 20 000 |
h ) approval to acquire or increase a qualifying holding in another legal person or other legal entity controlling | CZK | 20 000 |
i) the prior approval of the acquisition or increase of a qualifying holding in the pension company or to become persons controlling pension companies | CZK | 20 000 |
j ) prior consent to acquire or increase qualifying holdings in credit unions or to become persons controlling a savings and credit cooperative | CZK | 20 000 |
2 ) Application for the | ||
a) the prior approval of a change in the person of a statutory or supervisory body or a proctor home insurance or reinsurance | CZK | 5000 |
b ) prior approval of the change of the manager of a branch of an insurance or reinsurance undertaking from a third country | CZK | 5000 |
c ) the prior approval of the performance of the senior management of the regulated market | CZK | 5000 |
d ) prior consent to act as director of an investment firm | CZK | 5000 |
e ) consent prior to the performance of the duties of director of organizational unit of a foreign person providing investment services in the Czech Republic and who is registered in a State which is not a Member State of the European Union | CZK | 5000 |
f ) prior permission to perform the duties of director of the Central Depository | CZK | 5000 |
g ) prior consent for appointment of director of an investment company , the autonomous investment fund , the principal administrator or foreign persons authorized under § 481 of the Act regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 5000 |
h ) prior approval for appointment of director of the pension company | CZK | 5000 |
i) prior consent to act as a senior officer of a financial holding entity | CZK | 5000 |
3 ) Application for approval | ||
a) the person in command of an insurance holding entity | CZK | 5000 |
b ) the person in command of a savings and loan association | CZK | 5000 |
c ) persons in the bodies of the pension fund | CZK | 5000 |
4 ) Application for the | ||
a) the consent of the bank to conclude a contract on the basis of which any available with a business or part thereof | CZK | 20 000 |
b ) approval of the merger or division of a bank or transfer of assets to the Bank as | CZK | 20 000 |
c ) consent to a reduction in the bank’s capital or to cover losses | CZK | 20 000 |
d ) the prior approval of the conversion of domestic insurance or reinsurance domestic | CZK | 20 000 |
5 ) Application for permission | ||
a) the merger, division of an investment company or transfer of assets under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 20 000 |
b ) the merger or division of an investment fund under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 20 000 |
c ) the merger of pension companies | CZK | 20 000 |
d ) a merger , a division or a change of legal form or to transfer assets of a securities trader on the shareholders or members or to transfer assets to other persons securities dealer | CZK | 20 000 |
e ) a merger , a division or a transfer of business assets of the regulated market to his companion or a change in legal form or to transfer the assets of the regulated market to the shareholder or an associate or a transfer of business assets of another person on a regulated market | CZK | 20 000 |
f ) the division or merger of the settlement system | CZK | 20 000 |
g ) the merger of the Central Depository with the settlement system or to transfer the assets of another person to the Central Depository | CZK | 20 000 |
h ) the merger , division, transfer of assets or change in legal form the main administrator under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 20 000 |
6 ) Application for the | ||
a) approval of the merger or division of a savings and loan association | CZK | 20 000 |
b ) consent to the conclusion of a contract on the basis of which any available with the company or part of a savings and loan association | CZK | 20 000 |
c ) consent to the transfer of membership rights of a member of a savings and loan association | CZK | 20 000 |
d ) agree with the decision of the members’ meeting to reduce the amount of the membership deposit savings and loan association | CZK | 20 000 |
7 ) Applications | ||
a) authorizing the merger of the investment fund or sub-fund under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 20 000 |
b ) authorizing the merger of the investment fund or sub-fund under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 20 000 |
c ) authorizing the change of the investment fund or sub-fund under the law regulating investment companies and investment funds | CZK | 20 000 |
d ) for permission to transfer the management of the pension fund to another pension company | CZK | 20 000 |
e ) authorizing the merger of pension funds | CZK | 20 000 |
f ) for permission to transfer management of participants’ funds to another pension company | CZK | 20 000 |
g ) authorizing the merger of participating funds | CZK | 20 000 |
h ) a consent to the transfer of shares of the pension fund amounting to more than 10 % of the share capital of the pension fund | CZK | 20 000 |
i ) authorizing the division or merger of pension funds | CZK | 20 000 |
8 ) Applications | ||
a) the agreement to modify the status of a standard fund | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) a license to establish a local fund under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 30 000 |
c ) approval of the change in status of the pension fund | CZK | 10 000 |
d ) approval of the amendment of the Statute of the local fund | CZK | 10 000 |
e ) approval of the amendment of the Statute of the pension plan and pension fund | CZK | 10 000 |
f ) the adoption or amendment of auction rules Auctioneer securities | CZK | 0000 |
g ) the agreement to change the manager or the depositary standard fund | CZK | 5000 |
h ) the adoption by the Depositary to the local fund under the act governing supplementary pension savings | CZK | 5000 |
i) the approval by the Depositary of the pension fund under the law regulating pension savings | CZK | 5000 |
j ) for the amendment of a pension fund | CZK | 5000 |
k) a certificate of secondary or higher level of proficiency | CZK | 1000 |
l ) the grant of a temporary consent insurance or reinsurance undertaking with the increase of limits for individual items of financial songs | CZK | 5000 |
9 ) Applications | ||
a) the approval of the securities prospectus | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) the approval of the supplement to the prospectus of securities | CZK | 5000 |
c ) authorizing the narrowing of the securities prospectus | CZK | 5000 |
d ) consent to the publication of the offer document for mandatory takeover bids | CZK | 5000 |
e ) consent to the publication of the offer document in meeting the additional supply obligations | CZK | 3000 |
f ) to postpone the fulfillment of the obligation to disclose information on the decision to make a takeover bid or tender of duties | CZK | 1000 |
g ) to extend the deadline for the submission of the draft offer document | CZK | 1000 |
h ) to extend the deadline for the publication of the offer document | CZK | 1000 |
i) the approval of the extension of the binding takeover offer | CZK | 1000 |
j ) the exemption from the prohibition to take legal actions leading to contract acquisition or disposal of equity securities of the target company during the offer period takeover | CZK | 3000 |
k) for exemption from the prohibition acquire shares of the target company after the completion of the binding takeover offer | CZK | 3000 |
l ) on the reduction or remission period of 1 year, after which the ban applies to make another takeover bid | CZK | 3000 |
m ) to issue a decision will be permitted to exercise the voting rights of a person who certainly share in the voting rights of the target company did not acquire as a result of their own actions and could not reasonably assume that acquires a decisive share of the target company | CZK | 3000 |
n ) for a decision on the dissolution of the supply obligations | CZK | 3000 |
o) of the decision, which will be allowed to exercise the voting rights of a person who is in arrears with the performance of the supply obligations | CZK | 3000 |
p) the issue of prior consent is provided under the above consideration in the purchase of equity securities admitted to trading on a regulated market | CZK | 10 000 |
1 ) Fees under this Item 9 point font. a) to p) are exempt banks based in the Czech Republic , if the issue of mortgage bonds.
2 ) Since the charges in accordance with paragraph 9 of this item font. a) to p) is exempt Czech Export Bank , as
Item 67 Authorization to operate radio and television broadcasting | ||
a) Receipt of request | ||
1 ) for authorization to operate a television broadcast | CZK | 90000 |
2 ) to extend the period of validity of the pursuit of television broadcasting | CZK | 90000 |
3 ) for authorization or for an extension of the local television broadcast | CZK | 50 000 |
b ) Acceptance of an application for authorization or an extension of the authorization for radio broadcasting . | CZK | 25 000 |
c ) Submission of an application to operate retransmission | CZK | 90000 |
d ) Application for change of information contained | ||
1 ) the request for authorization for television broadcasting | CZK | 20 000 |
2 ) the request for authorization to operate radio broadcasting | CZK | 5000 |
3 ) the application to operate retransmission | CZK | 20 000 |
Not subject to charge
1 ) Acceptance of an application for authorization to operate a television broadcast referred to in subparagraph a) of this item , the request is made pursuant to § 21 paragraph 1 of Act No. 132/2010 Coll . , The Audiovisual Media Services and amending some laws (Act the Audiovisual media Services ) .
2 ) The request for change of data referred to in subparagraph d ) of this item , writes if the change in the Commercial Register.
item 67a | ||
Acceptance of the application | ||
a) to promote cinema in the project from the circle of development of the Czech cinematographic work or in the project from a different circuit than the production of Czech cinematographic works 41a ) | CZK | 5000 |
b ) to promote cinema in the project from the circle of production of Czech cinematographic works 41a ) | CZK | 10 000 |
c ) to modify the conditions laid down in the decision to support the cinema 41a ) | CZK | 500 |
d ) registration of the project incentive 41a ) | CZK | 30 000 |
Item 68-73 Veterinary inspection , veterinary certificates and
1 ) Issue of Common Veterinary Entry Document ( CVED ) 42)
repealed by Act No. 182/2008 Coll .
item 69
a) Approval of veterinary medicine and its entry in the List of approved veterinary products 42) | CZK | 5000 |
b ) certification of manufacturers of veterinary products to meet the requirements of good manufacturing practice | CZK | 2000 |
c ) Registration of veterinary technical resource to the list of technical resources for veterinary use 42) | CZK | 1000 |
d ) Changing Decision on approval of veterinary administrative nature 42) | CZK | 250 |
e ) Changing Decision on approval of veterinary medicinal products that require professional evaluation 42) | CZK | 1000 |
item 70
1 ) a health certificate for the animal’s relocation outside of bees 42) | ||
– Per animal | CZK | 50 |
– For more than one animal | CZK | 100 |
2) The issue of the health certificate accompanying the animal that is the subject of trading 42) | ||
– Per animal | CZK | 50 |
– For more than one animal | CZK | 100 |
3 ) a health certificate for the export of the animal 42) | ||
– Per animal | CZK | 50 |
– For more than one animal | CZK | 100 |
item 71 |
1 ) veterinary certification for the transport of animal products 42) | CZK | 100 |
2) Issue of health certificate for the export of animal products 42) | CZK | 100 |
item 72
a) | The approval and registration of a merchant , the subscriber network monitoring, gathering center , quarantine centers , semen collection centers, centers for the collection of semen, sperm banks , livestock equipment , including rearing of aquaculture animals , and other equipment involved in the placing on the market of animals and trafficking 42) | CZK | 200 |
b ) | Approval and registration of an undertaking, business or other facilities in which the treated animal products , which are under state veterinary supervision 42) | CZK | 500 |
c ) | Registration , race or other device in which the treated animal products or animal by -products which are under state veterinary supervision 42) | CZK | 100 |
d ) | Registration carrier transporting animal products or of the person who is involved in the trade in animals and animal products with the Member States of 42) | CZK | 500 |
e ) | Change data (name , surname, company name, title , place of residence or stay , residence ) in the approval and registration or registration | CZK | 100 |
f ) | Registration circus 42) | CZK | 500 |
g ) | Change of Registration circus 42) | CZK | 100 |
h ) | Issue register of animals in the circus 42) | CZK | 200 |
i) | Verification Registry of animals in the circus 42) | CZK | 100 |
j ) | Issue venue register circus 42) | CZK | 200 |
k) | Verification of the venue register circus 42) | CZK | 100 |
1 ) the trader referred to in subparagraph a) of this item shall mean any person pursuant to § 9b of the Veterinary Act 42) .
2 ) To change the approval and registration or change of registration, select Administrative Office as fee for the approval and registration or registration.
3 ) The administrative authority shall charge a fee just under subparagraph a) , b), c ) or d ) of this item , if done at the same time as changes chargeable under subparagraph e ) of this item .
item 73
a) | Registration of private veterinary technician 42) | CZK | 1000 |
b ) | Changing the registration of private veterinary technician 42) | CZK | 100 |
c ) | Issue a permit to conduct laboratory , or other veterinary diagnostic activities 42) | CZK | 2000 |
d ) | Issue of a permit to operate a sanitation company 42) | CZK | 3000 |
e ) | Issue of a permit to operate other veterinary sanitation activities 42) | CZK | 1000 |
f ) | Issue of permission to slaughter animals farmed in the economy 42) | CZK | 200 |
g ) | Issue of a permit to kill large farmed game on the holding or using a firearm to a home defeat of the deer farm breeding using firearms 42) | CZK | 200 |
h ) | Issue of a permit to conduct home slaughter cattle less than 24 months or from farmed cervid breeding farm breeder 42) | CZK | 200 |
i) | Change data (name , surname, company name, title , place of residence or stay , residence ) in the authorization | CZK | 100 |
1) The amendment of an authorization select the correct office fee for a permit.
2) The Administrative Office shall charge a fee just under subparagraph c ) , d), e ) , f ), g) and h ) of this item , if done at the same time as changes chargeable under subparagraph i) of this item.
Item 74-75 of dangerous animal species | ||
a) Issue 43 decisions ) authorizing the breed of the animal species requiring special care | CZK | 1000 |
b ) Issuance of Decision 43 ) extending the period of validity of the authorization decision breeding animals requiring special care | CZK | 500 |
c ) Issue 43 decisions ) granting authorization for the use of experimental animals | CZK | 10 000 |
d ) Issuing a decision on an application for a permit carrier 43) | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Issuing a decision on an application for a permit carrier for long journeys 43) | CZK | 1000 |
f ) issuing a decision on an application for a certificate of approval of a road vehicle or vessel certificate of approval for a livestock 43) for each road vehicle or vessel referred to in the application | CZK | 1000 |
g ) The granting of accreditation for courses on the protection of animals against cruelty | CZK | 2000 |
item 75 | ||
Issue 43 decisions ) granting permission for breeding of animals or a decision on the authorization to supply experimental animals | CZK | 5000 |
Item 76-78 Verification of hops, grape wine , breeding companies | ||
The issue of certificates of verification hop 44) | CZK | 100 |
It exposes If the certificate as a duplicate , a fee is levied according to item 16 point . a) hereof .
item 77 | |||
a) Verification of variety, origin , weight and sugar content of grapes 46 ) | CZK | 250 | |
b ) Issue 46 of the first decision ) on the classification of quality wine , quality wine with special attributes, quality sparkling wine from a specific region , aromatic quality sparkling wine from a specific region , grower champagne , liqueur wines , | CZK | 300 | |
for each commenced 10,000 liters in a lot of 46 ) | |||
c ) Issuance of Decision 46 ) on the classification of quality wine , quality wine with special attributes, quality sparkling wines in specified regions , aromatic quality sparkling wine from a specific region , grower champagne , liqueur wines for which the decision has already been issued once | CZK | 500 | |
for each commenced 10,000 liters in a lot of 46 ) | |||
d ) a decision to grant new planting rights or a decision granting planting rights from the reserve 46a ) for every 10 m 2 | CZK | 1 | |
1 ) not subject to charge
Of the first decision on the classification of quality wine , quality wine with special attributes, quality sparkling wines in specified regions , aromatic quality sparkling wines in specified regions , grower champagne and liqueur wines for the first 8 samples of wine from one producer in one calendar year, if the amount does not exceed zatřiďovaného wine 10,000 liters including in the lot.
2) Issue a decision to grant new planting rights or a decision granting planting rights from the reserve 46a ) young farmers 46b ) .
item 78 |
a) decision granting consent for the performance of professional activities 47 ) | CZK | 2000 |
b ) issuing a decision on the recognition of breeders’ association or a decision on the recognition of a natural or legal person or association of legal persons for breeding enterprise 47 ) | CZK | 2000 |
Item 79 Agricultural public warehouse | ||
Issue of a permit to operate a public warehouse Agricultural 48 ) | CZK | 10 000 |
Item 80-85 phytosanitary care , certificate … | ||
a) Issue of phytosanitary certificate 49 ) on plants or plant products intended for export | CZK | 500 |
b ) Application for permission to import or movement of harmful organisms, plants , plant products and other objects for experimental , scientific and breeding purposes 49a ) | CZK | 500 |
c ) Acceptance of an application for a permit possession of quarantine and other material handling 49 ) | CZK | 500 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt phytosanitary certificate for export of the plant or plant product for other than business purposes.
item 81 | ||
Acceptance of the application | ||
a) the mutual recognition of authorizations 49 meters ) or the authorization of plant protection products 49b ) , if it contains : | ||
– Only active substance or substances classified under the directly applicable European Community 49n ) | CZK | 5000 |
– The active substance or substances not included under the directly applicable European Community 49n ) | CZK | 6000 |
b ) registration of another crop-protection agents in the official register 49c ) | CZK | 1000 |
Power of attorney
Administrative Office will reduce the fee by 90 % if it is a plant -based living organisms, food materials, commodity substances, herbal extracts repellents or pheromones or permit the plant protection product in the public interest.
item 82 | ||
Acceptance of application for renewal of the | ||
a ) authorizations for plant protection products 49d) | CZK | 500 |
b ) write the next crop-protection agents in the official register 49c ) | CZK | 200 |
item 83 | ||
Acceptance of the application | ||
a) extend the authorization of plant protection products for minor uses 49e ) | CZK | 300 |
b ) a change in the authorization of plant protection products or other means in writing , unless the acts referred to in subparagraph a) 49f ) or transfer of license 49 liters ) | CZK | 100 |
item 84 |
Acceptance of the application for revocation of the authorization of plant protection products 49f ) ) | CZK | 100 |
item 85 | ||
Acceptance of the application | ||
a) permit the use of unauthorized plant protection product for the purposes of research or development 49 g ) | CZK | 1000 |
b ) permit the extraordinary placing on the market and use of unauthorized plant protection product 49h ) | CZK | 1500 |
Item 86-91 rights to a plant variety licenses | ||
Acceptance of the application | ||
a) parallel trade permit 49i ) | ||
– For business use | CZK | 1000 |
– For own use | CZK | 300 |
b ) issue a certificate of competence to carry out tests for authorization 49j ) | CZK | 100 |
c ) a test of professional competence for handling plant protection products 49k ) | CZK | 200 |
item 87 | ||
a) issuance of import permits for forest reproductive material | CZK | 500 |
b ) The granting of a license suppliers of forest reproductive material | CZK | 1000 |
c ) The license renewal suppliers of forest reproductive material | CZK | 500 |
d ) The granting of licenses for preparation of forest management plans and forest management scheme | CZK | 1000 |
e ) The license renewal for preparation of forest management plans and forest management scheme | CZK | 500 |
f ) The granting of licenses for the exercise of professional forest manager | CZK | 1000 |
g ) Extension of licenses for the exercise of professional forest manager | CZK | 500 |
item 88
Acceptance of the application
a) the grant of rights to new plant varieties 50 ) | CZK | 1000 |
b ) the registration of a person to propagating material into circulation 51) | CZK | 100 |
c ) registration of varieties 51) | CZK | 2000 |
d ) the renewal varieties 51) | CZK | 500 |
e ) the entry of another variety maintainer 51) | CZK | 1000 |
item 89 | ||
Adoption of the proposal to grant a compulsory license 50 ) | CZK | 3000 |
item 90 | ||
a) a change in the identity of the applicant for the grant of plant variety rights 50 ) | CZK | 500 |
b ) The registration of the contract on the transfer of rights to the protected variety or the transfer of the share rights to the protected variety in the register 50 ) | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Write a compulsory license , change of name , last name , business firms , permanent residence or registered office of the holder, or to grant a license in the register 50 ) | CZK | 200 |
item 91 | ||
Acceptance of the application for revocation of rights protection 50 ) | CZK | 300 |
Not subject to charge
Cancellation protection rights of an administrative office. |
Item 92 Pěstit . burning , certificates for activities with mushrooms , fruit, potatoes , tab. No. | ||
a) Issue of license 52) to pěstitelskému burning alcohol | CZK | 1000 |
b ) Issue of 53) for the registration of a designation of origin and geographical indications registry | CZK | 1000 |
c ) certification of 53) to meet proficiency in the circulation of wild and cultivated edible mushrooms intended for food purposes | CZK | 500 |
d ) Issue of 53) for products intended for food or raw materials for their production and tobacco products , including fresh fruit , fresh vegetables and table potatoes | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Changes in the issued certificate referred to in subparagraphs b ) to d ) | CZK | 500 |
f ) certification or proof of facts established inspection activities 53) | CZK | 1000 |
g ) participation in the sensory tests 53) | CZK | 1000 |
h ) issuance of evidence of sensory test 53) | CZK | 1000 |
i) the issue of the approval procedure and method of irradiation of food and raw materials by ionizing radiation 53) | CZK | 1000 |
The management of the previous issue of the certificate referred to in subparagraphs c ) , d ) and i ) of this item shall be charged a fee under item 20 of this Tariff.
Item 93-94 Foodstuffs, organic farming and fertilizer | ||||
a) | Issuing a decision on the approval process for production of 54) | CZK | 7000 | |
b ) | Issuing a decision on the conditional approval process for production or putting into circulation of 54) | CZK | 1000 | |
c ) | Issue a decision approving the operation for the placing on the market 54) | CZK | 3000 | |
d ) | Decisions on the registration process for production of 54) | CZK | 5000 | |
e ) | Issue a marketing operation for the placing on the market 54) | CZK | 1000 | |
f ) | Decisions on the registration of the operations of the operation or the level of primary production 54) | CZK | 100 | |
g ) | A decision to change the data in the request for approval or registration 54) | CZK | 500 | |
h ) | A decision on the authorization of the manufacturing or placing on the market of the product to feed 54) | CZK | 5000 | |
i) | Decision granting authorization to conduct biological testing 54) | CZK | 5000 | |
1) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) or c ) of this item is selected even if the operation has been registered under subparagraph d ) or e ) .
2) A certificate of competence issued by a special legal regulation 54) is charged for according to item 22 letter b ) of the Tariff.
Not subject to charge
A decision on the change under subparagraph g ) of this item in the operations of the operation or the level of primary production .
item 94 |
Acceptance of the application
a) the registration of fertilizers , soil conditioners , herbal preparation, or auxiliary substrate 55 ) |
3000 |
b ) the renewal of the registration or a change in a marketing fertilizers , soil conditioners , herbal preparation, or auxiliary substrate 55 ) | CZK | 500 |
c ) the exemption from the rules of organic farming 75 ) | CZK | 1000 |
Not subject to charge
Receipt of the request referred to in subparagraph c ) of this item , in the case of an application for exemption for the use of propagating material not obtained in organic farming or an application for exemption in case of catastrophic events by the directly applicable European Union governing organic production and labeling of organic products.
Item 95-96 Biocidal products
Acceptance of an application or proposal 56 ) |
a) the authorization or temporary authorization for placing the biocidal product on the market for one type of biocidal product | CZK | 200000 |
b ) the authorization or temporary authorization of the biocidal product with low risk or frame formulation on the market for one type of biocidal product | CZK | 75000 |
c ) the authorization or temporary authorization of the biocidal product , a biocidal product with low risk or frame formulation on the market for every type of biocidal product | CZK | 15 000 |
d ) the amendment of the authorization of the biocidal product , a biocidal product with low risk or frame formulation on the market , the extension of the permit or its renewal | CZK | 55 00 |
e ) authorizing the placing on the market of biocidal product, a biocidal product with low risk or frame formulation that has already been authorized in another Member State of the European Communities (on the basis of mutual recognition ) | CZK | 40 000 |
f ) the inclusion of the active substance , the active substance of low-risk or basic substances of biocidal products on the list of active substances to the list of active substances with a low risk or a list of basic substances for one type of biocidal product | CZK | 600 000 |
g ) the inclusion of the active substance , the active substance of low-risk or basic substances of biocidal products on the list of active substances to the list of active substances with a low risk or a list of substances essential for every other type of biocidal product | CZK | 60 000 |
h ) the evaluation of dossiers submitted for the purpose of inclusion of the active substance , the active substance of low-risk or basic substances to the list of active substances to the list of active substances with a low risk or a list of basic substances for one type of biocidal product | CZK | 3900000 |
i) the evaluation of the documentation submitted for the active substance , the active substance of low-risk or basic substances to the list of active substances to the list of active substances with a low risk or a list of basic materials for any other type of biocidal product | CZK | 390000 |
item 96
a) an integrated permit to operate the equipment listed in Annex 1 to the Act on integrated prevention 57) |
30 000 |
b ) Issue a decision amending the integrated permit a substantial change referred to in Annex 1 to the Act on integrated prevention 57) | CZK | 10 000 |
c ) an integrated permit or a change in a substantial change not listed in Annex 1 to the Act on integrated prevention 57) | CZK | 5000 |
Not subject to charge
The issue of the change in the integrated permit if it is not a substantial change planned by the operator .
Item 97- 99a Registration LEC . products of manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceuticals | ||
1 ) Applications 58) | ||
a) the medicinal product , or a change in the decision on the extension of the marketing authorization of a medicinal product | CZK | 2000 |
b ) the transfer of registration or authorization of parallel imports of medicinal products | CZK | 2000 |
c ) the withdrawal of the marketing authorization of a medicinal product | CZK | 1000 |
2 ) Applications 58) | ||
a) the registration of a homeopathic product that modify the decision or the renewal of the registration of a homeopathic preparation or transfer of registration of a homeopathic product | CZK | 2000 |
b ) for parallel import of homeopathic medicine | CZK | 2000 |
c ) the revocation of the registration of a homeopathic preparation | CZK | 1000 |
Not subject to charge
Acceptance of the application referred to in paragraph 1 a) and b ) of this item , in the case of medicinal products entered in the register of orphan medicinal products pursuant to Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 141/2000/ES December 1999 on medicinal products for rare diseases.
The fee referred to in point 1 letter a) of this item is collected only once, when applied to 30 June 2004 more changes to the registration of a medicinal product which has been in the Czech Republic and other Member States of the European Union is registered, in order to comply with the terms of the conditional marketing authorization in the Member States of the European Union.
item 98 | ||
Acceptance of an application 58) | ||
– The authorization or amendment of authorized manufacturers | CZK | 2000 |
– The authorization or change in authorization control laboratory | CZK | 2000 |
– The authorization or amendment of a manufacturing authorization in transfusion services | CZK | 2000 |
– A permit or permit amendment of medicated feed or veterinary autogenous vaccines | ||
CZK | 2000 |
item 99 | ||
1 ) Applications 58) | ||
– A permit or permission changes the distribution of medicines | CZK | 2000 |
– The extension of the authorization for distribution | CZK | 2000 |
2 ) Application for setting the maximum price or the amount and terms of payment medicine or food for special medical purposes 58a) in the case of | ||
a) new active substances, new combinations of active ingredients , new indications , new dosage forms for new indications | CZK | 20 000 |
b ) the new formulation without specifying for new indications , new power | CZK | 10 000 |
c ) generics or new pack sizes | CZK | 8000 |
d ) in other cases | CZK | 10 000 |
e ) food for special medical purposes | CZK | 10 000 |
3 ) Application for amendment of the decision fixing the maximum price or the amount and terms of payment due to expansion of indications, limitations of the existing conditions of payment or increase payment 58a ) | CZK | 20 000 |
4 ) Acceptance of applications for variations to determine the maximum price and the amount and terms of payment 58a ) in other cases | CZK | 10 000 |
Not subject to charge | ||
1 ) Acceptance of the application referred to in paragraphs 2 , 3 and 4 of this item , if the applicant is a health insurance company | ||
2 ) The request referred to in point 2 . a) , b), c ) or d ) of this item , in the case of medicinal products entered in the register of orphan medicinal products pursuant to Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 141/2000/ES December 1999 on medicinal products for rare diseases. |
item 99A | ||
Issue licenses to grow cannabis for medical use 76 ) | CZK | 2000 |
Item 100 Export and import of narcotic . and psychotropic substances . substances | ||
a) Issue permits for the treatment of narcotic drugs , psychotropic substances or preparations 59) | CZK | 5000 |
b ) Issue licenses for the export or import of narcotics , psychotropic substances or preparations 59) | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Issue licenses for the export or import of poppy straw | CZK | 500 |
The fees referred to in subparagraphs b ), e) , i ) and j ) of this item are exempt persons operating a pharmacy and only in the handling of precursors and other ingredients in the operation of pharmacies.
item 100A | ||
a) Issue of licenses for activities with the substance of category 1 under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) | CZK | 3000 |
b ) The issue of the business license with the substance of category 1 under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77 ) The Court of toxicology laboratories, health department , specialized diagnostic , scientific research or the teaching of higher education institutions or public research institution under the Public research Institutions | CZK | 1000 |
c ) issue a separate license for the activity with the substance of category 1 under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) providers of pharmaceutical care | CZK | 500 |
d ) Issuance of a new license due to a change in the data specified in the license under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) or renewal of a license under the Act on drug precursors | CZK | 2000 |
e ) Change of license due to change of the responsible person , change of name or surname of the person or office change , address , company name, or the name or surname of the holder of a license under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) | CZK | 1000 |
f ) Issuing new licenses due to changes in the data specified in the license under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) or renewal of a license under the Act on drug precursors forensic toxicology laboratories, health department , specialized diagnostic , scientific the teaching – research work or university or public research institution under the Public research Institutions | CZK | 500 |
g ) Change of license due to change of the responsible person , change of name or surname of a person changes residence or name change, according to the law on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) forensic toxicology laboratories, health department , specialized diagnostic , scientific research or the teaching of higher education institutions or public research institution under the Public research Institutions | CZK | 300 |
h ) Issue a new special license due to a change in the information set out in a separate license under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) or extension of the special license under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing precursors 77 drugs ) providers of pharmaceutical care | CZK | 300 and CZK 200 for each new premises referred to in the request for a new special license |
i) Change special license due to a change of the responsible person , change of name or surname of the person or office change , address , company name, or the name or surname of the holder of a special license under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77 ) providers of pharmaceutical care | CZK | 300 |
j ) Issue a certificate of registration of the business with the substance in category 2 or 3 according to the law on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) | CZK | 3000 |
k) Issue a certificate of registration for special activities with the substance in category 2 or 3 according to the law on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) ) provider of pharmaceutical care | CZK | 2000 |
l ) Issuance of new certificate of registration of the business with the substance in category 2 or 3 because of changes in the registration data according to the law on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) | CZK | 1000 |
m ) Issuance of new certificate of registration for special activities with the substance in category 2 or 3 because of changes in the registration data according to the law on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) providers of pharmaceutical care | CZK | 600 |
n ) issue of an export or import license under the Act on drug precursors and by the directly applicable European Union regulations governing drug precursors 77) | CZK | 1000 |
a ) Issue a certificate of registration to operate with default or excipient according to the law on drug precursors | CZK | 500 |
p) Issuance of new certificate of registration to operate with default or excipient due to changes in the registration data according to the law on drug precursors | CZK | 300 |
The fee referred to in subparagraphs j ) and k) are exempt persons registered with the Ministry of Health pursuant to Act No. 167/1998 Coll . , On addictive substances and amending certain other acts, as in force before the entry into force of the Act on drug precursors .
Item 101- 102A The use of genetically modified organisms
a ) Allowing 60 ) for the contained use of genetically modified organisms |
CZK | 2000 |
b ) Allowing 60 ) for the marketing of genetically modified organisms into the environment | CZK | 20 000 |
c ) Write 60 ) genetically modified organism or genetic product in the List for placing on the market | CZK | 30 000 |
d ) Issuing a decision on the inclusion of the applicant and genetic resources plants , microorganisms, collection of plant genetic resources and microbial genetic resources collection in the National Programme of Conservation and utilization of genetic resources of plants and microorganisms for Food and Agriculture 60a ) | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Issuing a decision to extend the period of validity of the decision referred to in subparagraph d ) 60a ) | CZK | 500 |
item 102repealed by Act No. 350/2011 Coll . |
item 102AAcceptance of the application |
CZK | 500 |
a) permits 61a ) research on human embryonic stem cells | CZK | 500 |
b ) permits 61a ) import of human embryonic stem cells | CZK | 500 |
c ) registration 61a ) lines of human embryonic stem cells | CZK | 500 |
d ) authorization or amendment of the authorization of a tissue establishment 61b ) | CZK | 2000 |
e ) authorization or amendment of the authorization of a sampling device 61b ) | CZK | 2000 |
f ) authorization or amendment of the authorization of a diagnostic laboratory 61b ) | CZK | 2000 |
The fee referred to in points d ) , e ) and f ) of this item is exempt receipt of a license to operate is made within three months of the effective date of the special legal regulation defining requirements to ensure the quality and safety of human tissues and cells 61b ) , which , operators of the tissue establishment or sampling devices or diagnostic laboratories , which on the effective date of the special legislative activities performed pursuant to Act No. 285/2002 Coll . , the donation, procurement and transplantation of tissues and organs and amending certain acts ( transplantation Act ) , as amended , Act No. 20/1966 Coll . , on the health of the population, as amended, or pursuant to Act No. 160/1992 Coll . , on health care in private health facilities , as amended .
Item 103 Licence in foreign trade | ||
a) official authorization 62) for transport or imports of specified products | CZK | 500 |
b ) official authorization 62) products intended for export by the directly applicable European Union regulating the area of trafficking in firearms and ammunition 76 ) | CZK | 500 |
The fee under this item are exempted official authorization to export or import or transport of goods for the purposes of exhibition , demonstration , complaints and for the export and import of samples . The fee under this item are also exempt exports of specific products referred to in Article 9, paragraph 2 of the directly applicable European Union legislation regulating the area of trafficking in firearms and ammunition 76 ) .
Official authorization issued by an administrative authority , in accordance with international treaties by which the Czech Republic is bound.
Item 104 trade in military equipment | ||
a) Issue of license 63 ) to conduct foreign trade in military material | CZK | 20 000 |
b ) The grant of license 63 ) for the export of military equipment and licenses to trade in military material without direct transit through the Czech Republic | CZK | 1000 |
c ) The grant of license 63 ) for the import of military equipment | CZK | 1000 |
The fee under this item is exempt issue licenses for the export and import of military equipment for exhibitions, demonstration , complaints and for the export and import of samples .
Item 105-107 Proceedings under the Atomic Act | ||
grant | ||
a) a permit to export or intra-Community dual-use goods or the provision of mediation services related to those goods 64) | CZK | 500 |
b ) International Import Certificate | CZK | 500 |
item 105a | ||
The granting of licenses for the export or import of goods or the provision of technical assistance awarded under a special regulation 64a ) | CZK | 500 |
item 106 | ||
Acceptance of an application for a permit 65 ) | ||
a) the siting of a nuclear device or radioactive waste | CZK | 5000 |
b ) the construction of a nuclear facility or workplace IV . category | CZK | 5000 |
c ) the individual stages of the nuclear installation operation | CZK | 3000 |
d ) the reconstruction or other changes affecting nuclear safety , radiation protection, physical protection and emergency preparedness of nuclear installations or workplaces III . or IV . category | CZK | 3000 |
e ) the handling of nuclear materials | CZK | 1000 |
f ) to operate Category III. category | CZK | 3000 |
g ) the operation of a nuclear facility or workplace IV . category | CZK | 5000 |
h ) the release of radionuclides into the environment | CZK | 1000 |
i) the radioactive waste management | CZK | 1000 |
j ) for each stage of decommissioning nuclear installations or workplaces III . or IV . category of service | CZK | 1000 |
k) the uses of ionizing radiation | CZK | 1000 |
l ) the import or export of nuclear items | CZK | 5000 |
m ) for the transport | ||
– Very significant sources of ionizing radiation | CZK | 500 |
– Nuclear materials | CZK | 2000 |
n ) re- import of radioactive waste generated during processing materials exported from the Czech Republic | CZK | 1000 |
o) the performance of personal dosimetry , and other services important for radiation protection | CZK | 1000 |
p) the addition of radioactive substances in consumer products during their manufacture or preparation or import or export of these products | CZK | 1000 |
The fees listed in this section is exempt Radioactive Waste Repository and DIAMO sp .
item 107
1) Issue a decision on the type approval of packaging a) kinds for spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants |
CZK | 100 000 |
b ) the type intended for irradiated nuclear fuel from research reactors | CZK | 100 000 |
c ) kinds for fresh nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants | CZK | 50 000 |
d ) kinds for fresh nuclear fuel for research reactors | CZK | 10 000 |
e ) intended for other types of nuclear materials or radioactive substances | CZK | 5000 |
f ) in cases of repeated decision referred to in subparagraphs a) to e ) | CZK | 1000 |
2) Issue a decision on the type approval of a) very significant sources of ionizing radiation | CZK | 5000 |
b ) other sources of ionizing radiation | CZK | 1000 |
3 ) The issue of personal identity radiation | CZK | 50 |
If issued personal radiation passport employees to request their employer , the employer is the taxpayer .
Item 108-114 Fees in Electronic Communications
1 ) Issuance of a certificate of competence to operate |
a) radio telephone , telegraph or other radio transmitting equipment located on board aircraft and ships | ||
– radiotelephone | CZK | 400 |
– telegraph | CZK | 600 |
– Other radio transmitting device | CZK | 400 |
b ) telephone and radio telegraph terrestrial broadcasting radio equipment and aeronautical mobile service and the maritime mobile radiotelephone service on inland waterways | ||
– radiotelephone | CZK | 300 |
– telegraph | CZK | 400 |
c ) telephone and radio telegraph terrestrial radio transmission equipment operating in the frequency band | ||
– radiotelephone | CZK | 300 |
– telegraph | CZK | 400 |
d ) transmitting radio equipment for amateur radiocommunication service | CZK | 400 |
2 ) The extension or changes in the certificate of professional competence referred to in paragraph 1 | CZK | 200 |
item 109
a) Issue a certificate of notification communication |
1000 |
b ) certification of the communication changes reported data | CZK | 500 |
item 110
a) the request to the dispute , unless the dispute is the fulfillment of obligations to payments and oppose the settlement of a claim under § 129 of the Law on Electronic Communications, the person performing communication activities on the one hand, and the subscriber or user on the other |
200 |
b ) Submission of a proposal for resolution of the dispute , unless the dispute is the fulfillment of obligations to payments between persons engaged in communication activities | CZK | 1000 |
c ) the request to dispute the fulfillment of obligations to payments of 4% of this amount, at least | CZK | 200 |
d ) objecting to the settlement of a claim under § 129 of the Law on Electronic Communications | CZK | 100 |
e ) the request to dispute the conclusion of a contract between the service provider distribution of radio and television broadcasting and radio and television broadcasting | CZK | 10 000 |
f ) Submission of a proposal for the telecommunication terminal equipment into operation | CZK | 1000 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph item c ) to select a maximum of CZK 500 thousandth
item 111
a) Issue a decision on the authorization to use numbers |
5000 |
b ) Extension of or changes in the authorization to use numbers | CZK | 500 |
c ) certification of the change in the person of the holder of the allocation of radio frequencies | CZK | 1000 |
d ) consent to the transfer of radio frequency | CZK | 10 000 |
The fee under this item is not collected , assigns the Administrative Office number for emergency calls , alarms , call the registration office of the national and international calls and information ( sounds ) to inform the calling party of updates to subscriber numbers .
item 112 | |||
a) Issue a decision about an individual authorization to use radio frequencies | |||
– The expansion and transmission of radio or television broadcasting ( radio service) | CZK | 7000 | |
– Fixed service | CZK | 5000 | |
– For amateur radiocommunication service | CZK | 500 | |
– For other radio services | CZK | 3000 | |
b ) Extension of or changes in the individual authorization to use radio frequencies | |||
– For the dissemination and transmission of radio and telvizního broadcasting ( radio service) | CZK | 500 | |
– Fixed service | CZK | 500 | |
– For amateur radiocommunication service | CZK | 200 | |
– For other radio services | CZK | 500 | |
The fee under this item is not collected for the decision in accordance with § 25 of Act No. 127/2005 Coll . , On electronic communications and on amendment to some related Acts ( Electronic Communications Act ) ..
item 113 | ||
a) Issue a certificate of notification of business in the field of postal services | CZK | 1000 |
b ) certification of the communication changes reported data | CZK | 500 |
c ) Submission of a proposal for resolution of the dispute regarding access to the postal infrastructure in accordance with § 34 of Act No. 29/2000 Coll . , postal services , as amended | CZK | 10 000 |
d ) request for the opening of the objection pursuant to § 6a of Act No. 29/2000 Coll . , postal services , as amended | CZK | 100 |
item 114
repealed by Act No. 361/2005 Coll . |
Item 115-118 honor. documents , residence of foreigners , visas , registration navy . books … | |||
a) a passport is machine- readable data and data carrier
– Individuals under 15 years |
100 |
b ) issue the passport without a machine- readable data
– Individuals under 15 years |
1000 |
c ) issue a travel card or travel identity card or passport for foreigners under international agreements | CZK | 200 | |
d ) Issue border license or ID card for crossing the state border | CZK | 100 | |
e ) The registration of a citizen under 10 years of travel document issued to parents | CZK | 50 | |
for each entry | |||
f ) Change in passport or registration certificate or scientific degrees in the issued passport , extension of validity of the travel card or alien’s passport or travel document issued by international agreement foreigners for each change | CZK | 50 | |
g ) Issue alien’s passport is machine- readable data and data carrier | CZK | 600 | |
– Foreigners under 15 years | CZK | 100 | |
h ) Issue alien’s passport without a machine- readable data without a data carrier | CZK | 1500 | |
– Foreigners under 15 years | CZK | 1000 | |
The fee referred to in subparagraph c ) of this item is exempt first issue of a travel document issued by strangers Czech Republic on the basis of international agreements.
Not subject to charge
1) Issue travel documents in return for documents in which the administrative office said incorrect entries or documents issued with a manufacturing defect , or the authenticity of the certificates were revoked .
2) Issue of passport ex officio.
item 116
a) The residence permit foreigners |
CZK | 2500 |
b ) residence permits of foreigners under 15 years | CZK | 1000 |
c ) A residence permit for tolerated stay on the territory of | CZK | 500 |
d ) Extension of period of validity of the residence permit | CZK | 2500 |
e ) Extension of period of validity of the residence permit foreigners under 15 years | CZK | 1000 |
f ) Extension of period of validity of the residence permit for permanent residence or residence permit of a recognized refugee | CZK | 2500 |
g ) Extension of period of validity of the residence permit for the purpose of tolerated stay or residence permit beneficiaries of subsidiary protection | CZK | 1000 |
h ) Change in the license for a residence permit | CZK | 1000 |
i) issue of a residence permit for a replacement card is damaged , destroyed , lost or stolen or the carrier with biometric data is broken | CZK | 4000 |
j ) issue of a residence permit foreigners under 15 years in return for card damaged , destroyed , lost or stolen or the carrier with biometric data is broken | CZK | 2500 |
k) issue of a residence permit for a replacement card is damaged , destroyed , lost or stolen , if it is a citizen
– Member State of the European Union , – State which is bound by a treaty on the European Economic Area , or – State which is bound by an international agreement with the European Communities and their family members, irrespective of nationality |
CZK | 100 |
l ) Allocation of birth numbers foreigners | CZK | 1000 |
m ) issue of a residence permit | CZK | 500 |
1 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) , b), d ) , f ), h) al ) of this item is exempt citizen of a member state of the European Union , a citizen of a State which is bound by the Treaty on the European Economic Area or a citizen of a State which is bound international agreement with the European Communities , as well as their family members , irrespective of their nationality . The exemption does not apply to family members who are not nationals of one of these states and chargeable tasks not related to the exercise of their right of free movement and residence within the territory of the Member States of the European Union.
2 ) The fee referred to in points a) and b ) of this item is exempt stranger , who asked to be granted a residence permit for the purpose of protection under specific legislation 66a ) , and the fee referred to in subparagraphs d ), h) al ) the alien , which such authorization has been granted.
Not subject to charge
1 ) The first issue of a residence permit ex officio, upon reaching the age of 15 foreigners who have been granted permanent or long-term stay or receive a certificate of entitlement to permanent residence in the Czech Republic.
2 ) Allocation of birth numbers foreigners at birth and issue a birth certificate in the Czech Republic.
3) The first issue of a residence permit or asylum seeker card for a residence permit persons enjoying subsidiary protection.
4) The issue of a residence permit for a replacement card , in which the administrative office said the incorrect spelling or license issued to a manufacturing defect , or whose certificate of authenticity has been revoked .
5) The issue of a residence permit for a replacement card , the carrier with biometric data is broken if the malfunction carrier with biometric data was not caused by circumstances on which the foreigner clearly knew that may cause damage or malfunction carrier with biometric data .
1) The fee referred to in subparagraph i ) of this item is selected , even if the case for the issuance of a replacement license for a residence permit issued for the purpose of tolerated stay .
2 ) the residence permit referred to in point a) and b ) of this item for the purposes of this Act permitting long-term or permanent residence.
3) The fee referred to in point m ) of this item is selected , if it is a family member of an EU Member State , a national of a State which is bound by the Treaty on the European Economic Area or a citizen of a State which is bound by an international agreement with the European Communities , who is not a citizen of one of these states , if he has been issued a residence permit in the Czech Republic on the basis of the right of free movement and residence within the territory of the Member States of the European Union and calls for the release of another card for a residence permit .
item 117
a) Acceptance of an application for a visa in the Czech Republic |
– Visa for over 90 days – visa type D | CZK | 1000 |
– Visa for over 90 days for leave to remain visa type D – | CZK | 200 |
b ) Acceptance of an application for a visa at the border crossing Czech Republic | ||
– Transit visa – visa type B | CZK | 500 |
– Visa for a stay up to 90 days – visa type C | CZK | 1500 |
c ) The request for extension of stay on the visa for up to 90 days | CZK | 200 |
d ) Application for extension of stay on the visa for over 90 days | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Application for extension of stay on the visa for over 90 days for leave to remain , including the extension of visas | CZK | 200 |
f ) Verification invited foreigners into Czech Republic | CZK | 200 |
Fees under this item is exempt
- a) receipt of the grant , renewal or residence visa for reasons of health or humanitarian aid ,
b ) receipt of the grant or renewal of visas by foreigners under 15 years of tax under this item is exempt and acceptance of the application for extension of stay for a visa to an alien younger than 15 years old ,
c ) the adoption of a visa application for leave to remain under a special law ,
d ) receipt of the Czech visa at the border crossing Czech Republic to a diplomatic passport or a person who travels to the Czech Republic at the invitation or with the consent of the government or the Parliament of the Czech Republic ,
e ) receipt of the grant or renewal of a visa or residence visa for the case of a family member of a citizen of a Member State of the European Union , a citizen of a State which is bound by the Treaty on the European Economic Area or a citizen of a country which is bound by an international agreement with the European Communities , regardless of their nationality .
Not subject to charge
The operations referred to in this item performed administrative office of the ex officio.
Power of attorney
1) The Administrative Office of the fee under this item waive or reduce the fee , if retained reciprocity .
2 ) The administrative authority may from fee under this item dispensed with in the case of receipt of the application for a visa at the border crossing to be necessary to stay in the Czech Republic during air transit transport , emergency landing aircraft or other emergencies beyond the control of cizincem or , in the case of foreigners returned back to the Czech Republic by foreign authorities .
The fee referred to in point e ) of this item is selected , even if it is only extended length of stay .
item 117A | |||
a) Acceptance of an application for a visa in the Czech Republic | |||
– Visa for over 90 days – visa type D or D + C | CZK | 1000 | |
– Visa for over 90 days for tolerated stay – visa type D or D + C | CZK | 300 | |
b ) Acceptance of an application for a visa at the border crossing granted to Czech Republic | EUR | 60 | |
c ) The request for the extension of short-term visas and residence time on this visa | CZK | 300 | |
d ) Application for extension of stay on the visa for over 90 days | CZK | 1000 | |
e ) Application for extension of stay on the visa for over 90 days for leave to remain in the territory , including the extension of visas | CZK | 300 | |
f ) invite foreigners to the Czech Republic | CZK | 300 | |
Fees under this item is exempt
- a) receipt of the grant or renewal of visas foreigners younger than 6 years from the fee under this item is exempt and application for extension of stay in the Czech visa for foreigners younger than 6 years
b ) the adoption of a visa application for leave to remain under a special legal regulation 67 )
c ) receipt of an application for a visa at the border crossing Czech Republic to a diplomatic passport or a person who travels to the Czech Republic at the invitation or with the consent of the government or the Parliament of the Czech Republic ,
d ) receipt of the grant or extension of time or stay on a visa , if it is a family member of a Member State of the European Union , a citizen of a State which is bound by the Treaty on the European Economic Area or a citizen of a country which is bound by an international agreement with the European communities, regardless of their nationality ,
e ) receipt of the grant or extension of time or stay on a visa , in the case of pupils , students, postgraduate students and accompanying teachers who undertake trips for the purpose of study or training in the field of education ,
f ) receipt of the grant or extension of time or stay on a visa , in the case of researchers from third countries traveling within the Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research as defined in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation No 2005/761 / EC of 28 September 2005 to facilitate the issuance of visas by Member States of uniform short-stay researchers from third countries traveling within the Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research.
1) The Administrative Office of the fee under this item fee may be waived or reduced if this measure serves to promote cultural interests , interests in foreign policy , development policy, other areas of vital public interest or for humanitarian reasons.
2 ) The reduction or waiving of fees for nationals of a third country may also be the result of an agreement on visa facilitation between the European Community and the third country in accordance with the Community’s overall approach to agreements on visa facilitation .
3 ) The Administrative Office of the fee under this item dispensed with in the case of receipt of the application for a visa at the border crossing necessary in order to stay on the territory of the Czech Republic during air transit transport , emergency landing aircraft or other emergencies beyond the control of , or a stranger , the case of a visa to an alien returned back to the Czech Republic by foreign authorities .
Not subject to charge
The operations referred to in this item performed administrative office of the ex officio.
1) The fee under this item is selected , even if it is only extended length of stay .
2 ) Fees are charged in Euros, U.S. dollars or in the currency of a third State in which the application for a visa.
item 118
a) Registration Seaman’s book |
50 |
b ) Registration of a manufacturer or repairer of instruments | CZK | 200 |
Item 119-120 Cadastre | ||
a) an extract or copy of the cadastre , land records from earlier , on land or railroad books or provincial boards for every i only started 20 measurement units within one cadastral area | CZK | 100 |
b ) Issue copies of cadastral maps, copies of maps from earlier land records , copies of land or railroad books or provincial boards for each commenced an A4 page | CZK | 50 |
c ) Issue identification of parcels or groups of related plots of the last surviving former state land registries or state before the cadastral parcel or group of parcels kept in the Land Registry for every i started only 20 of these plots written for the operators in each cadastral area | CZK | 100 |
d ) The request for confirmation of compliance parcel numbering plan with geometric cadastre data for every i only started 20 plots listed in the new state geometric plan in each cadastral area | CZK | 100 |
e ) The request for confirmation of the parcels geometric line numbering plan wherein only an easement with the cadastre | CZK | 100 |
f ) First Edition and more of the documents taken during the release of the original documents referred to in points a) to c ) , for each commenced an A4 page | CZK | 30 |
g ) Issue a certified copy or copies of documents from the collection of documents cadastre and land books collection of documents for each commenced an A4 page | CZK | 50 |
1 ) Fees under this item are exempt nature conservation bodies charged with the performance of government , civil authorities under the Building Act and state conservation under a special legal regulation 68). For the purposes of the Central Register of Nature Conservation and Landscape under a special legal regulation 69 ) is from fees under this item exempted Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape . For the purposes of the Central List of Cultural Heritage of the Czech Republic under a special legal regulation 68 ) is from fees under this heading exempt professional organization of State monument care .
2 ) The fee under this item are exempt registered churches and religious societies , legal entities established or founded as part of the registered churches and religious societies , legal entities established or established to support the activities of registered churches and religious societies to spiritual, pastoral , charitable , medical , educational or administrative purposes and religious nuts , as well as civic associations and trade unions 5 ) , in the case of transactions relating to transfer of immovable property from the Czech Republic, the Czech Republic and Forests , sp , if the act is related to the implementation of Act No. 428 / 2012 Coll . , the property settlement with churches and religious societies and amending certain laws ( property settlement with churches and religious organizations ) .
3 ) The fee under this item are exempt transactions carried out in connection with the transfer of flats and non-residential space and transfer ownership interest in the property related to the apartment and non-residential space , the transfer is free under a special legal regulation governing the ownership of flats 70 ) .
Power of attorney
For listing or copy inserts Terriers in a foreign language can enhance the administrative office of the fee under this item on the double.
1 ) The unit of measurement referred to in subparagraph a) of this item for the purposes of this Act, a parcel of land, including buildings under construction , apartments and commercial space under construction , including , if registered in the Land Registry.
2 ) For the purposes of this item, the administrative authority means and cadastral working under a special legal regulation governing the surveying and cadastral authorities.
item 120
a) Adoption of procedure for authorization of investment in the real estate |
1000 |
b ) Adoption of the proposals on the procedure for authorization of investment in the real estate on the basis of documents related to the construction of public works for waste disposal , water supply , sewage disposal and cleaning , public transport , public education , public administration and similar public purposes | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Adoption of the full text of the declaration of the distribution rights to the house and land on the ownership of units to store the collection of documents or acceptance of an agreement of co-owners of immovable manage to save the collection of documents | CZK | 500 |
for each proposal not exceeding in total CZK 10,000 |
1 ) Fees under this item are exempt nature conservation bodies charged with the performance of government , civil authorities under the Building Act and state conservation under a special legal regulation 68). For the purposes of the Central Register of Nature Conservation and Landscape under a special legal regulation 69) , from charges under this item is free Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape . For the purposes of the Central List of Cultural Heritage of the Czech Republic under a special legal regulation 68) , is from fees under this heading exempt professional organization of State monument care .
2 ) The fee under this item are exempt registered churches and religious societies , legal entities established or founded as part of the registered churches and religious societies , legal entities established or established to support the activities of registered churches and religious societies to spiritual, pastoral , charitable , medical , educational or administrative purposes and religious nuts , as well as civic associations and trade unions 5 ) , in the case of transactions relating to transfer of immovable property from the Czech Republic.
3 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt adoption of the procedure for authorization of investment in the real estate under contract for the transfer of apartment and commercial space , the transfer is pursuant to special legislation free 70 ) , and the acceptance of the application initiating proceedings the permission of the deposit in the real estate under contract for the transfer of the relevant ownership interest in land in respect of those flats and non-residential premises .
4 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt adoption of the procedure for authorization of investment in the real estate under the security agreement , which stops the property in connection with the granting of an individual housing construction under a special legal regulation 71) .
5 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt adoption of the procedure for authorization of investment in the real estate in connection with the transfer of state property under a special legal regulation 29 ) .
For the purposes of this item, the administrative authority means and cadastral working under a special legal regulation governing the surveying and cadastral authorities.
Item 121 Greenhouse gas emissions | ||
a) Issue permits for greenhouse gas emissions | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) Change permission to greenhouse gas emissions | CZK | 3000 |
Item 122 under the Act on Waste
a) mandate the evaluation of hazardous properties of waste |
CZK | 1000 |
b ) Issue 72 decisions ) for approval to operate a facility for the use or disposal or the collection or purchase of waste | CZK | 500 |
c ) Issue 72 decisions ) granting consent to waive the collection , sorting or separation or concentration of waste | CZK | 1000 |
d ) Issuance of Decision 72) for consent to the mixing of hazardous waste with each other or with other waste | CZK | 1000 |
e ) Issuance of Decision 72) for approval of the planned export, import or transit of waste | CZK | 6000 |
The fee referred to in point e ) of this item is free of a consent decree with the planned export or import of waste , which are used tires ( waste code according to the OECD – GK020 , the entry under the Customs Tariff – 401,220 ) .
Item 123-125 Proceedings before the customs authorities
Issue additional confirmation or verification documents to be submitted in the proceedings before the customs authority |
150 |
item 124
The issue of the origin of goods |
350 |
item 125
Rulings on tariff classification of goods |
350 |
Notes to Part XI
1 ) This part tariff levy only Industrial Property Office.
2 ) Fees under this part tariff is paid upon filing with the exception of the fee set out in Item 128 paragraph d ) hereof .
3 ) Fees paid under items 128 letters a) and g ) , 131, 134, 138, letter a) , 141 letter a) and 142 of the Tariff will not be refunded in case of withdrawal of the application or application, or in the case of abandonment of the application or request.
Item 126 proceedings before the Industrial Property
Of a counterpart , an extract from the register , files, official documents and records |
CZK | 100 |
for each i started page | ||
CZK | 15 | |
for each i started page when using a photocopier or printer computer | ||
Every new site for the purposes of this Act, a published page of A4 and smaller.
item 127 | ||
a) Receipt of request | ||
– The first extension | CZK | 200 |
– For each further extension | CZK | 500 |
– For relief | CZK | 1000 |
b ) Adoption of an appeal against a decision of the Industrial Property Office | CZK | 1000 |
c ) Applications | ||
– A certificate of priority (priority document ) | CZK | 600 |
– The registration of a transfer | CZK | 600 |
– To record the license | CZK | 600 |
– Registration of the lien | CZK | 600 |
– Conversion of European patent application 73) | CZK | 600 |
for each state to which the application will be sent | ||
Inventions and supplementary protection certificates
item 128
a) Adoption of the patent application | CZK | 1200 |
– If (are) the applicant ( if any) exclusive author (s ) | CZK | 600 |
b ) Acceptance of an application – for publication before the statutory deadline | CZK | 800 |
– Accessibility translation of the claims of the European patent application, including access to repair translations | CZK | 500 |
c ) The request for full examination of the patent application | CZK | 3000 |
– In 11 and any other patent claim | CZK | 500 |
d ) Issue Letters Patent to the extent | ||
– Ten typed pages | CZK | 1600 |
– For each additional page | CZK | 100 |
e ) Publication of a translation of the European patent
– Correction of translation for publication |
100 |
f ) a translation of the European patent in the additional time | CZK | 3000 |
g ) Application for the grant of a supplementary protection certificate | CZK | 5000 |
item 129
a) Application for determining whether a technical solution falls within the scope of the patent |
CZK | 5000 |
b ) Adoption of cancellation – after patent expiry of six months from the effective date of the patent | CZK | 2000 |
– European patent
– SPC |
2000 |
item 130
Acts of the Industrial Property Office associated with the filing of an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty |
CZK | 1500 |
utility models | ||
item 131Adoption utility model application |
CZK | 1000 |
– If (are) the applicant ( if any) exclusive author (s ) | CZK | 500 |
item 132
Acceptance of applications for determining whether a technical solution falls within the scope of the registered utility model |
CZK | 5000 |
item 133
The adoption of the proposal for deletion of a utility model |
CZK | 2000 |
item 134
Acceptance of application for any extension of the registration of a utility model |
CZK | 6000 |
1 ) If the registration of a utility model is registered after the expiry of its term, the renewal fee is payable within 2 months from the date of registration.
2 ) If the fee is not paid within the prescribed period , it can be paid in a further period of six months of twice .
item 135 |
a) Adoption of an industrial design | CZK | 1000 |
– If (are) the applicant ( if any) exclusive author (s ) | CZK | 500 |
b ) Adoption of mass industrial design | CZK | 1000 |
– If (are) the applicant ( if any) exclusive author (s ) | CZK | 500 |
– For each additional industrial design contained in the application | CZK | 600 |
– For each additional industrial design contained in the application if it is (are) the applicant ( if any) exclusive author (s ) | CZK | 300 |
item 136 | ||
Adoption of the cancellation in the Register | CZK | 2000 |
– For each additional industrial design contained in the multiple registered designs | CZK | 800 |
item 137 |
Acceptance of an application for renewal of the term of protection of industrial design | ||
– The first five years | CZK | 3000 |
– The second time about five years | CZK | 6000 |
– The third of five years | CZK | 9000 |
– The fourth of five years | CZK | 12 000 |
1 ) If the registration of an industrial design in the register after the expiry of its term, the renewal fee payable to the protection of two months from the date of registration.
2 ) If the fee is not paid within the prescribed period , it can be paid in a further period of six months of twice .
Trademarks and designations of origin
item 138 | ||
a) Acceptance of the application | ||
– Individual mark three classes of goods or services | CZK | 5000 |
– Collective mark three classes of goods or services | CZK | 10 000 |
– For each class of goods or services exceeding three classes | CZK | 500 |
b ) Adoption of opposition to registration of a published | ||
into a register | CZK | 1000 |
item 139 | ||
a) Receipt of request | ||
– The renewal of an individual mark | CZK | 2500 |
– The renewal of the registration of a collective mark | CZK | 5000 |
– The renewal of an individual mark filed after the expiry of a period , but not later than six months from this date | CZK | 5000 |
– The renewal of the registration of a collective mark filed after the expiry of a period , but not later than six months from this date | CZK | 10 000 |
b ) Acceptance of the application for revocation or declaration of invalidity | CZK | 2000 |
item 140 | ||
Acceptance of the application | ||
– For international registration of trademarks | CZK | 2500 |
– The renewal of the international registration of trademarks | CZK | 3000 |
– Territorial expansion or narrowing of the international registration | CZK | 500 |
item 141
a) Application for registration of a designation of origin / geographical indications |
CZK | 4000 |
b ) Acceptance of an application for international registration of appellations of origin | CZK | 2500 |
c ) Adoption of the proposal to cancel registration of a designation of origin / geographical indications | CZK | 2000 |
d ) Assignment applications for protection of designations of origin / geographical indication to the Commission of the European Communities | CZK | 500 |
The fees payable under items 140 and 141, letter b ) of this tariff shall be levied for acts performed under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Protocol or under the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration at the International Bureau of the World Organization intellectual property Organization in Geneva .
Topographies of semiconductor products
item 142
Acceptance of the application topographies of semiconductor products |
5000 |
item 143
Adoption of the proposal to cancel the topography of semiconductor products in the Register |
2000 |
consular fees
Authorization to Part XII
1 ) The administrative offices vyměřující and collecting fees under this section may set tariff rate fee increase, reduce or waive the collection of the fee due to reciprocity.
2) The Czech embassy may waive the collection of fees under items 150 , 151 and 152 , if done act under the government’s aid to developing countries called for government scholarships.
3 ) Czech embassies assess and collect fees even for acts specified in another part of the tariff , whose design is not appropriate , but received the application on their implementation.
4) The Czech embassy can choose in addition to the fee as compensation extremely effected expenses associated with the operation.
Notes to Part XII
1 ) Fees under this part tariff levied and collected Czech embassies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2 ) Fees converted to a foreign currency shall be rounded
- a) for currencies whose exchange rate exchange market to Czech crown is greater than 1:1 for the entire unit of currency , with the rounded down to amounts to 0.50 ( nominal relevant currency) and up to 0.50 ( corresponding nominal currency ), including ,
b ) in the case of currencies whose exchange rate exchange market to Czech crown is less than or approximately equal to the ratio of 1:1 to the nearest denomination of the coin or banknote , where rounding according to local conditions equivalent to using rounding cents on the Czech crown.
item 144
Application for the short-term visa | ||
a) by a directly applicable legal act of the European Union 74 ) | EUR | determined directly applicable European Union legislation 74 ) |
b ) under the Agreement on visa facilitation between the EU and third countries | EUR | provides relevant agreement on visa facilitation between the European Union and third countries |
The exemption provides directly applicable European Union legislation or an agreement on visa facilitation between the EU and third countries 74).
Not subject to charge
Application for the visa to family members of a citizen of an EU Member State or a citizen of a State which is bound by the Treaty on the European Economic Area , or a citizen of a country which is bound by an international agreement with the European Communities , regardless of their nationality .
Power of attorney
The mandate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassies of states directly applicable European Union legislation or an agreement on visa facilitation between the EU and third countries 74).
item 144A
Application for the long-term visa | CZK | 2500 |
1 ) Fees under this item are exempt person under the age of 6 years.
2 ) Fees under this item is free of receipt of visa for diplomatic , service , official or special passports.
3 ) Fees under this item are exempt pupils, students, post graduate students and accompanying teachers who undertake trips for the purpose of study or training in the field of education.
4 ) The fees under this item are exempt researchers from third countries traveling for the purpose of carrying out scientific research.
Power of attorney
1) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies in individual cases from the fee to be charged may be waived or reduced if this measure serves to promote cultural interests , sports interests , interests in foreign policy , development policy, other areas of vital public interest or for humanitarian reasons.
2) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies can children aged six years and under twelve years old or reduce the visa fee is exempt from the visa fee .
item 145
The marriage before the Czech embassies | CZK | 5000 |
Not subject to charge
The marriage before the Czech embassies , it is one of the betrothed Czech citizen staying abroad on business.
item 146
Acceptance of an application by the Czech Embassy | CZK | 750 |
Not subject to charge
Acceptance of an application to perform an act which is charged under other items of this tariff.
item 147
Selecting claims , annuities and other benefits, or benefits, with the exception of social security benefits , acts in probate proceedings (including the intervention of the competent authorities , enforcement and service heritage) | 4% of the chosen sum of money or monetary awards heritage |
at least CZK 150 | |
maximum of CZK 2,000 |
1) If the application of a creditor ( payee) or heir conducted only act to secure the claim , annuity or inheritance tax is levied according to item 146 of this tariff.
2) The base fee for the in probate proceedings under this item is the heritage value without any deduction for attorney’s fees.
item 148
– Money, securities , deposit books and other valuables |
0.5 % of the amount or value of the subject for each year | |
at least CZK | 200 | |
maximum of CZK | 20 000 | |
– Documents or files for each year | CZK | 200 |
Not subject to charge
Storage facilities at the Czech embassy for service in the Czech Republic.
item 149
a ) drafting a document on legal acts , in particular contracts , wills , etc. | CZK | 600 |
b ) Writing a proxy signature verification | CZK | 300 |
item 150 a) Verifying the signature on the document and on the copy of the signature or acknowledgment for your own signature for each |
250 |
b ) Verifying the signature on the document and on the copy of the signature or acknowledgment for their own schedules intended to write registry events abroad in the Special Registry Office in Brno | CZK | 125 |
c ) Verification of official stamps and official signatures ( super- ) | CZK | 600 |
d ) Verification of official stamps and signatures ( legalization ) papers intended to write registry events abroad in the Special Registry Office in Brno | CZK | 300 |
e ) Verification of official stamps and signatures on the official Czech papers or documents and verifying documents ( apostille ) intended for use abroad | CZK | 100 |
The fee referred to in subparagraph c ) of this item is exempt legalization of the death certificate if from a foreign issue of the original document not older than one year .
item 151 | ||
a) Verification of compliance of the present disclosure , copy, photocopy with the original document | CZK | 300 |
b ) Verification of compliance of the present disclosure , copy, photocopy the deed , in the case of a document intended to write registry events abroad in the Special Registry Office in Brno | CZK | 150 |
c ) Validation of the present translation | CZK | 300 |
d ) Verification of the correctness of the present translation if it is a document intended to write registry events abroad in the Special Registry Office in Brno | CZK | 150 |
e ) Implementation of authorized conversion of documents into electronic form for each page or part thereof converted instrument | CZK | 100 |
f ) Implementation of an authorized document conversion to paper form for each page or part thereof converted instrument | CZK | 100 |
g ) Re-issue of access data to the data box | CZK | 600 |
The fee is collected for each i started page A4 and smaller.
item 152
Translations of files, a) to the Czech language for each page or part thereof |
600 |
b ) of the Czech language for each page or part thereof | CZK | 650 |
c ) from one foreign language into another, and each started page | CZK | 1000 |
d ) to or from the language of Chinese, Japanese , Korean and other sign languages for each page or part thereof | CZK | 900 |
The fee is collected for each i started page A4 and smaller.
item 153
a) Issuance of birth , marriage or death certificate | CZK | 300 |
b ) Translations birth , marriage or death certificate and verification | CZK | 700 |
Not subject to charge
The first issue of birth , marriage or death certificate .
item 154
change | ||
a) surname defamatory, eccentric , funny , corrupted , foreign language or previous surname | CZK | 100 |
b ) the name or surname in other cases | CZK | 1000 |
1 ) The fee under this item is exempt change of surname , which occurs divorced spouse’s declaration that it accepts regained its former name or maiden name , or that abandons the use of the common surname in addition to the surname of the former , if those are notified within one month after the entry of a judgment of divorce .
2 ) The fee under this item is free to change or repair the names of adopted children , or a change that is necessary as a result of incorrect or incomplete entries in the matrix.
3 ) The fee under this item is exempt change of name and surname of the person in the event of a change of sex .
1 ) To change the name of spouses , parents, or parents and their minor children in common surname is collected only one fee .
2 ) To change the name more minor children of the same parents is collected only one fee .
3 ) In accordance with paragraph a) of this item will be a charge for permission to change the surname of the child entrusted in foster care to name a guardian or foster parent , the common name of trustees or guardians or the surname agreed for their own children as guardians or foster parents are grandparents or siblings parents of minor children .
4 ) is the former surname for the purposes of this Act only immediately preceding the last name or maiden name .
item 155 | |||
a) Issue a copy , copy, photocopy or an extract from the official records , registers , records , documents or files | CZK | 150 | |
for each i started page | |||
CZK | 15 | ||
for each page or part thereof , if made for the copier or printer computer | |||
b ) Issue of certified output of public administration information system | CZK | 300 for the first page | |
CZK | 150 for each additional page or part thereof | ||
c ) Adoption of filing under § 72 of the Trade Act | CZK | 150 | |
The fee is collected for each i started page A4 and smaller.
item 156
Issue a certificate of legal capacity to enter into marriage abroad | CZK | 500 |
item 157
a) a passport is machine- readable data and data carrier |
CZK | 1200 |
– Individuals under 15 years | CZK | 400 |
b ) issue a travel card or travel identity card or passport substitute EU | CZK | 400 |
c ) Write citizens younger than 10 years in the passport parents | CZK | 200 |
d ) issue the passport without machine- readable data without a data carrier | CZK | 1600 |
– Individuals under 15 years | CZK | 1100 |
e ) Change of data on citizens registered in the passport of his parents | CZK | 150 |
f ) Change Data on the time of travel card | CZK | 150 |
g ) Issue waybill for transportation of bodily remains of a | CZK | 200 |
Not subject to charge
1) Issue travel document replacement for the document in which the administrative office said incorrect entries or issued the document with a manufacturing defect , or whose certificate of authenticity has been revoked .
2) Issue of passport ex officio.
Power of attorney
In cases of emergency, the administrative authority shall waive the fees collected pursuant to subparagraph b ) of this item . Emergency, for the purposes of this Act, the loss of travel documents without fault of their own .
item 158
Issue of the certificate or written communication about the place of permanent residence for persons | CZK | 150 |
The fee under this item is selected for confirmation or written communication of information about each person mentioned in it .
item 159
a) Issue a certificate of citizenship of the Czech Republic |
CZK | 300 |
b ) Adoption of Statement of acquisition of Czech citizenship under § 31 , 32, 35 and 36 of the Law on Citizenship of the Czech Republic | CZK | 500 |
item 160
Firearms waybill for permanent import or transit of weapons or ammunition |
CZK | 500 |
1 ) The fee under this item are exempt foreigners who come to the Czech Republic at the invitation or with the consent of the Government of the Czech Republic or the Czech Parliament. The fee shall also be exempt persons who participate in international competitions , which include shooting sports .
2 ) The fee under this item are exempt weapon waybills for permanent import or transit of the weapons collected as the prices in the shooting or similar contests.
item 161
Confirmation maritime protest |
600 |
item 162
Acceptance of the application a) the issue of a residence permit |
500 |
b ) to issue permanent residence permits for employment in the Czech Republic in special cases ( green card) or long term residence permit for the purpose of highly qualified employment ( Blue Card ) | CZK | 1000 |
c ) the term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification with a foreigner who was granted long-term residence permit for employment in the Czech Republic in special cases ( green card) or long term residence permit for the purpose of highly qualified employment (Blue card) | CZK | 1000 |
d ) the issue of an extract from the Criminal Records | CZK | 200 |
1 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is free of a Member State of the European Union, which is bound by the Treaty on the European Economic Area , a citizen of a State which is bound by an international agreement with the European Communities and their family members , irrespective of their nationality .
2 ) The fee referred to in subparagraph a) of this item is exempt receipt of an application for a permit for a long-term stay , if it issues the permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
item 163
Acceptance of an application for registration registry events abroad in the Special Registry Office in Brno | CZK | 200 |
The fee under this item is free of receipt of the registration of the death of a citizen of the Czech Republic to the Special Registry Office in Brno.
1 ) § 31 and 32 of Act No. 218/2000 Coll . , On budgetary rules and amending certain related acts (budgetary rules) .
2 ) § 13 20 to 23 and 36 of Act No. 353/2003 Coll . , The Excise Tax Act .
2 ) § 23a , 33a , 60a , 134 g and 134R of the Act No. 353/2003 Coll . , The Excise Tax Act , as amended by Act No. 217/2005 Coll . and Act No. 575/2006 Coll .
2b ) Act No. 115/2006 Coll . , On registered partnership and amending certain related laws.
2c ) § 8b of the Act No. 133/2000 Coll . , Register of Population and Personal Identification Numbers and amending certain laws, as amended by Act No. 227/2009 Coll .
2d ) Act No. 412/2005 Coll . , On the protection of classified information and security capacity, as amended.
3 ) § 10c of Act No. 140/1996 Coll . , The disclosure of files of the former State Security , as amended by Act No. 107/2002 Coll .
4 ) Act No. 227/1997 Coll. Foundations and amending and supplementing certain related acts (Act on Foundations and endowment funds), as amended.
5 ) Act No. 83/1990 Coll . , The association of citizens , as amended .
6) Act No. 248/1995 Coll. Charitable organizations and amending and supplementing certain acts, as amended.
6a ) § 5, paragraph 1 , point . b ) Act No. 301/2000 Coll . , on registers, name and surname and amendment of related laws .
7 ) § 6, paragraph 1 of Decree No. 232/2002 Coll . , Implementing Law No. 3/2002 Coll . , On freedom of religion and the status of churches and religious societies and amending some laws (Act on Churches and Religious Communities ) .
8 ) Act No. 252/1997 Coll . , On agriculture , as amended .
9 ) Act No. 95/2004 Coll . , The conditions for the acquisition and recognition of professional qualifications and specialized qualifications for the medical profession as a doctor , dentist and pharmacist, as amended .
Law No. 96/2004 Coll . , The conditions for the acquisition and recognition of qualifications for non- medical professions and the performance of the activities of providing health care and amending certain related laws (the paramedical professions), as amended.
9a ) Act No. 253/2008 Coll . , On measures against money laundering and terrorist financing .
9b ) § 35a et seq . Act No. 216/1994 Coll . , the arbitration proceedings and the enforcement of arbitral awards , as amended .
10 ) Act No. 229/1992 Coll . on commodity exchanges, as amended .
11) Act No. 158/2000 Coll. Prospecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resources of the seabed beyond the jurisdiction of the State and amending certain laws.
12) Act No. 162/2003 Coll . , The conditions for the operation of zoos and amending certain acts (the zoo ) .
13 ) Act No. 276/2003 Coll . , The Antarctic and amending certain laws.
14 ) Act No. 183/2006 Coll . , On Zoning and Building Code (the Building Act), as amended.
15) § 2 of Decree No. 501/2006 Coll . , On general land use requirements , as amended .
16) § 78a of Act No. 183/2006 Coll . , As amended by Act No. 350/2012 Coll .
17 ) Act No. 184/2006 Coll . , The withdrawal or restriction of ownership rights to land or buildings (Expropriation Act ) .
19 ) Act No. 18/2004 Coll . , On the recognition of professional qualifications and other competence of nationals of Member States of the European Union and some other states and amending some laws (Act on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications), as amended.
21) § 14 paragraph 8 of Act No. 20/1987 Coll . , The state conservation , as amended .
22) § 14 of Act No. 200/1994 Coll. Surveying and amending and supplementing certain acts related to its implementation, as amended.
23) § 39 of the Act . 18/1997 Coll . , On the peaceful use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation (the Atomic Act) and on amendments to certain laws, as amended.
24 ) Act No. 111/1998 Coll . , On universities and amending other Acts ( Higher Education Act ) , as amended .
25 ) Act No. 227/2000 Coll . , On electronic signature and amending some other Acts ( the Electronic Signature Act ) , as amended .
Decree No. 366/2001 Coll. Specify the conditions stipulated in § 6 and 17 of the Law on Electronic Signature and clarification of the requirements for electronic signature tools .
26 ) Act No. 365/2000 Coll . , The information systems of public administration and amendment of some other acts , as amended by Act No. 517/2002 Coll .
26b) § 117a of Act No. 108/2006 Coll . , Social Services , as amended by Act No. 206/2009 Coll .
27 ) Act No. 458/2000 Coll . , On business conditions and public administration in the energy sector and amending certain acts (the Energy Act), as amended.
28 ) Act No. 19/1997 Coll . , On some measures related to the prohibition of chemical weapons and on amending and supplementing Law No. 50/1976 Coll . , On Zoning and Building Code (the Building Act), as amended, Act No . 455/1991 Coll . , the Trade Licensing (Trade Licensing Act), as amended, and Act No. 140/1961 Coll . , the Criminal Code , as amended .
29 ) Act No. 92/1991 Coll . , The transfer of state property to other persons, as amended.
30 ) Act No. 56/2001 Coll . , Operation of vehicles on the road and amending Act No. 168/1999 Coll. Liability insurance for damage caused by vehicles and amending certain related laws ( insurance Vehicle Liability ) , as amended .
30a ) § 52c , paragraph 1, 6 and 7 of Act No. 247/2000 Coll .
30b ) § 52b paragraph 1 of Act No. 247/2000 Coll .
30c ) § 49 paragraph 2 of Act No. 247/2000 Coll .
30d) § 52e Para 2 of Act No. 247/2000 Coll .
31 ) Act No. 156/2000 Coll . , The control of firearms , ammunition and pyrotechnics and amending Act No. 288/1995 Coll . , Firearms and Ammunition ( Firearms Act ) , as amended .
32 ) Act No. 111/1994 Coll . , On road transport, as amended .
33 ) Act No. 13/1997 Coll . , On roads, as amended.
34) Law No. 114/1995 Coll . , On inland waterways, as amended.
34a ) § 30a paragraph 2 of Act No. 114/1995 Coll .
35 ) Act No. 49/1997 Coll . , On civil aviation and amending and supplementing Act No. 455/1991 Coll. Trades (Trade Act), as amended.
36) § 43 paragraph 5 of Act No. 266/1994 Coll . , On railways, as amended.
- 62 paragraph 1 point . a) and paragraph 2 of Decree No. 173/1995 Coll . , issuing the order transport pathways , as amended by Decree No. 174/2000 Coll .
37 ) Act No. 266/1994 Coll .
Decree No. 100/1995 Coll . , Laying down the conditions for the operation , design and manufacture of specified technical equipment and its specifications (Order of specific technical equipment ) , as amended .
38 ) Act No. 61/1988 Coll . , On mining activities, explosives and state mining administration, as amended. Law No. 62/1988 Coll . Law No. 44/1988 Coll . , On the protection and use of mineral resources (the Mining Act ) , as amended .
38a ) Act No. 162/2003 Coll . , The conditions for the operation of zoos and amending certain acts (the zoo ) , as amended .
38b) of Act No. 100/2004 Coll . , On the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade and other measures to protect these species and amending certain acts (Act on Trade in Endangered Species), as amended.
38c ) Article . 1 point 6 of Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 865/2006 of 4 May 2006 laying down detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation ( EC ) No 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein .
38d ) Article . 51 Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 865 /2006.
39 ) Act No. 539/1992 Coll . , The testing and hallmarking of precious metals ( Hallmarking Act), as amended.
40 ) Act No. 143/2001 Coll . , On the protection of competition and amending some laws (Act on Protection of Competition) , as amended .
41 ) Act No. 137/2006 Coll . , On Public Procurement .
41a ) Act No. 496/2012 Coll . , The Audiovisual and cinema promotion and amending some laws (Act on Audiovisual ) .
42 ) Act No. 166/1999 Coll . , Veterinary care and amending certain related laws (the Veterinary Act), as amended.
43 ) Act No. 246/1992 Coll . , The protection of animals against cruelty, as amended.
44 ) Act No. 97/1996 Coll . , On the protection of hops, as amended . Decree No. 325/2004 Coll . , Implementing the Act on the Protection of hops.
45 ) Decree No. 318/2000 Coll . , Implementing the Law on the protection of hops.
46 ) Act No. 321/2004 Coll . , On viticulture and wine and amending certain related acts (Act on viticulture and wine ) .
46a ) Article . 5, paragraph 3 . a) Council Regulation EC No 1493 /1999.
46b ) Article . 12, paragraph 1 , point . b ) Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1227 /2000.
47 ) Law No. 154/2000 Coll. Breeding and registration of farm animals and amending certain related laws (Breeding Act), as amended.
48 ) § 16 of Act No. 307/2000 Coll. Agricultural warehouse sheets and public agricultural warehouses and amending certain related laws.
49 ) Act No. 326/2004 Coll . , On phytosanitary care and amending certain related acts .
49a ) § 8 of Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49b ) § 32 of Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49c ) § 54 of Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49d) Art . 43 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council ( EC ) of 21 October 2009 No. 1107/2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC .
49e ) Article . 51 Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1107/2009 of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC .
49f ) § 35 of Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49 g ), Cl. 54 Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1107/2009 of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC .
49h ) Art . 53 Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1107/2009 of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC .
49i ) § 53 of Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49j ) § 45 of Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49k ) § 86 of Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49 l ) § 38a of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll .
49 m ) Art . 40 Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1107/2009 of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC .
49n ) Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1107/2009 of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC .
50 ) Act No. 408/2000 Coll . , On the Protection of Plant Variety Rights and amending Act No. 92/1996 Coll. Varieties, seeds and seedlings of cultivated plants, as amended (the Act on the protection of plant variety rights ) , as amended .
51 ) Act No. 219/2003 Coll . , On the marketing of seed and planting material and amending certain acts (the seed and planting material ) .
52 ) Act No. 61/1997 Coll . , On alcohol and on amending and supplementing Act No. 455/1991 Coll. Trades (Trade Act), as amended, and Czech National Council Act No. 587/1992 Sb . , the Excise Tax Act , as amended , (Alcohol Act ) , as amended .
53 ) Act No. 146/2002 Coll . , The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority and amending certain related acts, as amended by Act No. 309/2002 Coll .
54 ) Act No. 91/1996 Coll. Feed , as amended . Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 183 /2005.
55 ) Act No. 156/1998 Coll . , On fertilizers , soil conditioners , supplementary plant preparations and substrates and on agrochemical testing of agricultural soils ( Fertilizers Act ) , as amended .
56 ) Act No. 120/2002 Coll . , The conditions for the placing of biocidal products and active substances on the market, and amending certain related acts, as amended by Act No. 297/2008 Coll .
57 ) Act No. 76/2002 Coll . , On integrated pollution prevention and control , on the integrated pollution register and change
58 ) Act No. 79/1997 Coll . , On Pharmaceuticals and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts, as amended .
58a ) Act No. 48/1997 Coll . , On public health insurance and on amendment to some related Acts, as amended.
59 ) Act No. 167/1998 Coll . , On addictive substances and amending certain other acts, as amended.
60 ) Act No. 78/2004 Coll . , The use of genetically modified organisms and genetic products .
60a ) Act No. 148/2003 Coll . , The conservation and utilization of genetic resources of plants and microorganisms for Food and Agriculture and amending Act No. 368/1992 Coll . , On administrative fees, as amended (the Act on Plant Genetic Resources and microorganisms) .
61a ) Act No. 227/2006 Coll . , On research on human embryonic stem cells and related operations and amending certain related laws.
61b ) Act No. 296/2008 Coll . , To ensure the quality and safety of human tissues and cells intended for human applications and amending related laws (the human tissues and cells ) .
62 ) Act No. 228/2005 Coll . , On the control of trade in products whose possession in the Czech Republic for safety reasons , and amending certain laws, as amended.
63 ) Act No. 38/1994 Coll . , On foreign trade in military material and amending Act No. 455/1991 Coll . and Act No. 140/1961 Coll .
64 ) Act No. 594/2004 Coll . , Implementing the European Community regime for the control of exports , transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items , as amended .
64a ) Act No. 38/2008 Coll . , Import and export of goods that could be used for capital punishment , torture or other cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and the provision of technical assistance related to the goods and amending Act No. 634/2004 Coll . , on administrative fees, as amended.
Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1236/2005 of 27 June 2005 concerning trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment , torture or other cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
65 ) § 9, paragraph 1 of Act No. 18/1997 Coll . , On the peaceful use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation (the Atomic Act) and on amendments to certain laws, as amended.
66) § 54 of Act No. 151/2000 Coll . , Telecommunications and amending other laws .
66a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll . , On the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic and amending certain laws, as amended.
67 ) Act No. 325/1999 Coll . , Asylum and amending Act No. 283/1991 Coll . , The Police of the Czech Republic , as amended ( the Asylum Act) , as amended .
68 ) Act No. 20/1987 Coll . , The state conservation , as amended .
69 ) Act No. 114/1992 Coll . , On nature and landscape protection , as amended .
70 ) § 24 paragraph 1-4 of the Act No. 72/1994 Coll . Adapting some joint ownership of the buildings and some ownership rights to housing and non-residential premises and supplementing certain acts (the ownership) , as amended .
71 ) Decree No. 136/1985 Coll . , Financial , credit and other assistance for cooperative and individual housing construction and modernization of houses in private ownership, as amended .
72 ) Act No. 185/2001 Coll . , Waste and amending certain other acts, as amended.
73 ) Communication 69/2002 , the adoption of the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (European Patent Convention) , the second paragraph of Article 136 § 35b of Act No. 527/1990 Coll . , On Inventions and Rationalisation Proposals, as amended.
74 ) European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 810/ 2009 of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas ( Visa Code) .
75 ) Act No. 372/2011 Coll . , On health services and terms ( the Health Services Act ) .
76 ) European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EU ) No 258/2012 of 14 March 2012 implementing Article 10 of the United Nations Protocol against the illicit manufacturing of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition and trafficking , which supplements the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime ( UN protocol on firearms) , and the export permits for the importation and transit of firearms , their parts and components and ammunition.
77 ) European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 273/ 2004 of 11 February 2004 on drug precursors , as amended. Council Regulation ( EC ) No 111/2005 of 22 December 2004 laying down rules for the monitoring of trade in drug precursors between the Community and third countries , as amended. Commission Regulation ( EC ) No 1277/2005 of 27 July 2005 laying down detailed rules for the regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation ( EC ) No 273/2004 on drug precursors and for Council Regulation ( EC ) No 111/2005 laying down rules for the monitoring of trade in drug precursors between the Community and third countries , as amended.